Chapter Eleven: The Viman Princess

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Unnerving chilling silence seeped and crawled its way into Emoriah's ears, as she slowly opened the back door to the house.

"Hello?" Emoriah whispered, softly, her voice echoing eerily against the marble floors of the kitchen. "Aunt Jane?"

Glancing over the dark shadowed kitchen Emoriah noticed the gleaming sharp knife laying on the counter.


Snatching it quickly she gripped the metal handle between her trembling fingers and raised it in front of with strong determination. "Jane?"

A small feminine cry pierced the air followed by a heavy thud from her aunt's bedroom.


Rushing towards the room with the wickedly sharp blade clutched in her hand she swung the wooden door aside and took in the dark shadows swathed by the scattering of furniture.

"Aunt Jane?"

A soft scuffle against the hardwood floors caught Emoriah's attention, as she spotted a trembling dark figure lift her head from behind the bed. "Em-Emoriah?"

"Yes! Aunt Jane, it's me!"

Emoriah reached out with her hand and searched for a source of light her heartbeat growing faster by the second.

Why the hells, was her Aunt so terrified? And where was the blasted light switch?!

Her finger graced the plastic nub and flicked it down, but only uncanny bitter darkness answered her.

Barmy, the flipping power was out!

"Aunt Jane hold on!"

Emoriah rushed back to the kitchen and hurriedly rifled through the wooden drawers for a flashlight. Discovering one in the back she seized its plastic entirety and scampered back to the room.

From the first sight of the dispersed furnishings, she knew there was a certain physical struggle that occurred in the room, but on clicking the flashlight she was able to examine the horrid mess a lot clearer.

The smooth creamy dresser was tipped harshly to its side with its wooden drawers strewn out from it scattering her aunt's silky clothing in mangled messy clumps. The velvety plush pillows were also thrown across the room in torn feathery piles as if the attackers were searching for something.

Emoriah stepped over the broken glassy chunks from a mirror that had fallen and made her way to the bed.

Thick extensive lines were carved into the dark wooden flooring by the edge of the bed, where her aunt was huddled by. Emoriah bent to her knees and skimmed her fingertips lightly over the abnormally vicious marks in curiosity.

Its as if they were made by fingernails......

"The.... thing did that."

Emoriah flinched in surprise and glanced up to meet her aunts frightened green gaze. "What thing?"

"I-I don't know it was too dark to see."

Emoriah watched as a deep shudder shook through her aunt's thin frame. "It had these bright red eyes and l-long horrid n-nails."

A deep heart-wrenching sob escaped Aunt Jane's pale lips as she squeezed her arms tightly across her waist. "I-It grabbed me Em. It grabbed me and d-dragged my body like I w-weighed n-nothing."

Emoriah grabbed her aunts trembling frame and wrapped her up in a warm hug. "It's okay Aunt Jane. You're safe."

A deep sigh released from her Aunts chest, as she struggled to raise her arms around Emoriah. "I-I think I hurt it," Jane whispered, softly, her voice quivering in thick panic. "I stabbed it and it ran Emoriah. It left."

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