Chapter Thirty-Nine: Persuasion at it's Finest

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"What do you mean he's missing?" Emoriah gritted out, between her clenched teeth.

The tiny elf twisted her little hands nervously in the brown fabric at her waistline, as her bright eyes darted to and forth around the room.

"I mean what I say Miss. Your companion is gone."

Emoriah swiped tiredly at the drops of sweat that drizzled its way down her neck reminding her of the puzzling dream she had just awakened from.

Bloody couldn't be.

The very thought of it sent a chilling tension to her lanky shoulders.

If Thale was the boy the men in her dream were referring to....then was he in danger?

Or perhaps the wanker took a stroll in the gardens.

Dimwit! The tosser could barely sit-up!

Emoriah shook the fiery locks from her eyes, as she harshly chided her foolish thoughts.

It had only been a dream, had it not?

"Miss, would you like me to fetch Lorde Kaede?" Kiera's melodic voice chipped, the sound instantly breaking Emoriah from her troubled mind.

His very name sent a jolt to her heart. A scalding thud of irritation. Yet there was something else hidden within the depths of her chest. Something warm and nearly pleasant, though Emoriah abruptly dismissed the sensation from her thoughts.

Her bloody mind would surely get herself in trouble one day.

"Yes, please."

The dainty elf immediately bowed her silky head in respect, before sealing the door in a soft click.

Only a few minutes had ticked by, before a thundering knock pounded on the wooden door. High shrills escaped her dragons' snouts, as they wiggled their way loose from the pleasantly warm golden sheets. Their bright scales sparkled like jewels against the glowing light of the candles, as they flickered and crackled around her room.

Emoriah felt her lips pull upwards in amusement as her little beasties yawned and blinked their iridescent eyes tiredly up at her. Emoriah leaned over to scratch their scaly backs, when another ear-splitting pound vibrated from her door.

"Hold your horses! I'm coming."

Emoriah snatched a loose scarlet blanket from the bottom of her sheets, before flinging the door astray with a fierce scowl etched upon her lips. "What do you wa..."

Immediately a cold blow towards her stomach ripped her last word from her lips, as her gaze landed upon the clouded blue orbs before her. Roaming her eyes over the gruesome colorful bruises splattered across the boys handsome face she wandered if he had rather been trampled by a rhino then beat by the hands of another man.

Gripping the soft thin blanket between her fingers she slowly raised her eyes back up to meet his determined gaze. "Th-Thale?"

A pained smile broke across his lips, before he pushed her diminutive frame away from the wooden doorway. "We must talk, your highness." His velvet voice croaked.

He better have a bloody brilliant explanation.

Emoriah staggered back in surprise, as he quickly bolted the door behind him leaving them entirely alone in her room. An awkward silence then sprang itself into the air, as Thale observed her with a puzzled expression upon his battered features.

"You are not hurt, your highness?"

Emoriah raised a brow at the unusual tone saturated between his words, as if he generally cared about her well-being.

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