Chapter fifteen: oh gee, another relative

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Scarlet fuchsia clouds dusted the sky, as sunrise arrived sending the school into a buzzing start. Emoriah shifted to her side, as she watched her dragons sleep curled up next to her.

Amos's scales were a bright deep blue contrasting very much with Asita's dark tones. She rubbed their heads and bit her lip deeply in thought.

She would be lying to herself if she said she wasn't nervous. Nerves rumbled in her stomach and her fingers felt jittery to the bone. She got up from her safe comfort and walked to her wardrobe cursing softly when her little pinky toe jammed into the marble flooring.

What to wear?

She groaned when dress after the dress was shifted to the next by her hands.

Why must it be so hard? A pair of jeans and a sweatshirt didn't sound so good until now.

Finally, in the back of the wardrobe, she found a decent enough dress to wear. There were no bright colors to it or crisscrossing of ribbons, and most definitely no puffed sleeves or lacey frills.

Instead, it was a homely man. A simplistic working servant gown. A similar dress she saw Lyra wear, as to other women who worked in the school. She grabbed the shift she wore yesterday and pulled in on.

The same went with the gown. Looking into the mirror she was pleased greatly. Not only did she appear a young girl of thirteen she was also looked very plain. The perfect disguise to stay unnoticed.

She grabbed a black cloak and wrapped it around her shoulders. Her dragons probably shouldn't be seen now. But she couldn't leave them alone in her room. She glanced down to her cloak and saw a large pocket on each side.

Now, that could work.

"Asita! Amos! Wake up." She said, leaning over them

They blinked their eyes open slowly one snorting while the other yawned. Emoriah felt the familiar brush of Asita's mind against hers and welcomed it. "Why so early?"

"I am to start school today. Both of you are coming to no questions." Emoriah explained as she put her glittering red necklace around her neck.

Amos stretched his hind legs and cocked his head to the side blinking confusedly up at her. "Asita translate."

She learned after Amos's hatching that he could not understand her. Not one bit. She knew Asita gifts allowed her to read her mind and speak back to her. So, it was understandable that Amos couldn't telepathy.

But apparently, dragons still couldn't understand you when you spoke to them aloud. Another gift that Asita was born with.

But weren't dragon lords supposed to be able to communicate with all their dragons?

Shaking her thoughts, she called for her dragons and watched, as they jumped, from the satin sheets and glided to her shoulders. She pointed out the pockets to them explaining how important it was to stay hidden and watched as they dived headfirst into the warmth. She glanced around the room as silence occupied every corner. Along dong then rang in the building followed by many doors closing and scampers of footsteps.

Alright, game time.


So far, her disguise was working she concurred, as she followed a group of boys her age down a staircase. Their rambunctious laughter echoed in the hallways as they teased each other mercilessly.

One boy seemed to be the leader of the group, as he told a story of a great fight he won yesterday. The rest of the boys held on to his words like obedient slaves, as they nodded and agreed to whatever lie that came out of his mouth.

They have no side glance towards her as she tagged along with their group. Following them like a lost puppy. She smiled deviously under her hand.

They had no idea!

They finally stopped at a grand wooden door with a small candle hanging from the ceiling. Emoriah caught herself before she bumped into one of the dark-haired boys. Her nose a hair inch from smacking into his back. The leader of the group.

Mr. Habla Mucho raised his hand and knocked on the door. From inside came a masculine voice.

"Come in! Come in!"

They pushed open the door and strode in. The room was ornate and decorated in rich reds and browns. Paintings of dragons in deep hues covered the walls. One particular painting looked very much like her father. They captured his face perfectly to the slight dimple on his cheek to a mole beside his ear. His posture was regal, and his eyes held such humbleness in their depts. His hair looked soft and full as if he was here. In this very room.

Beside him stood a magnificent beast. A king of all beasts. A dragon. But it wasn't just some ordinary dragon.

No. No, it was something entirely else. The dragon was bent down his body so massive most of it wasn't portrayed in the painting. He scales gleamed in the light golden like a drop of ambrosia.

His head was tilted as if asking a question. His large purple horns reflected in shimmer from the sun above. The artist was exceptional.

Too exceptional.

"Girl, what are you doing in here?"

Emoriah snapped out of her daze to see all eyes on her. The heat hit her cheeks full force she wouldn't be surprised if she looked like a tomato. " I'm a dragon, Lorde."

Silence followed her words. A prolonged stillness. Expression of disbelief and humor lit most of the faces in the room. The funny thing was Shay wasn't kidding. They were all boys. Every. Single. One. Of. Them.

A majority had dark hair and blue eyes the typical stereotype of a Valen Dragon Lorde. There was a handful though that were different.

They had to be Viman like her!

"I'm sorry Miss but there will be no jokes today. So please excuse yourself and leave." Said a man in the back, from his age he had to be a professor.

She heard Asita growl deeply from her pocket at his words anger coursing from her mind. Emoriah was about to shuffle out when the door opened again.

"That's not going to happen, Sir. Apologies for interrupting." Said, Kaede, standing in the doorway his lean boyish frame covering it.

"Who is this girl?" The professor asked, making his way through the crowd of standing boys.

"This Professor Brion." Kaede glanced at her in annoyance his left eye ticking. "Is Princess Emoriah."

If it was silent before, then it was nothing compared to the deadened silence that was laid out before them.

"Princess? Hmm, now that is interesting. Come here, child." Professor Brion said, as he finally emerged from the crowd of young men.

Emoriah walked over to him, as she felt the gaze of a hundred possible boys follow her with wide eyes. The professor grabbed her chin and tilted her face this and that.

Then he looked deeply into her eyes. "Well, I'll be! You are Eric's daughter!"

She thought she saw tears in the corners of his eyes but wasn't sure when he grabbed her, hugging her. His buttoned long shirt pressed against her nose almost choking her.

When he finally pulled away she took a deep breath and looked up at him with wide eyes.

"I'm sorry that wasn't proper. Let me explain. Eric was my older brother. So, my dear Emoriah that makes me your uncle."


Who doesn't love long lost relatives?

till next time!

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