Chapter sixteen: Mr. Habla Mucho

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You know that quote pasted on old t-shirts or collages above headboards. "Every family has one weird relative. If you don't know who it is, then it's probably you."

Well, Emoriah always thought she was the weird relative. The odd one out. From the many judging looks she received from her mother's side of the family she learned not to entertain conversations with them.

Or in some cases to even make eye contact. But this was different. This was someone like her. A dragon Lorde. An uncle that might actually like her. The whole concept was completely surreal.

She glanced at the scruffy beard covering his face and the grey hair sticking out from his hairline. To the many crinkles around his eyes and corners of his mouth likely made from smiling a whole ton. He seemed like the caring type.

She felt her lips curl in a smile. "Uncle, sorry for the interruption. I was directed to start school today, by Lorde Hirah."

Her uncle scratched his furry chin and his expression lit up. "Ahh, Headmaster took care of it then. Well!" He exclaimed, clapping his hands. "Looks like we have new student boys! She is to be treated the same as any other boy in this school. Is she to be mistreated in any way you will have a talk with me. She is your future ruler after all." He said, winking in her direction.

Most boys at that returned to their seats. Benches covered the room giving plenty of sitting space, for a hundred or so young men.

The youngest possible boy in this room had to be thirteen to the oldest nineteen. Kaede who was standing next to her uncle stared down on her with a distasteful expression. Like he just ate and swallowed an insect whole.

She hoped he choked on it.

She decided to take a seat in the back on an empty bench in the far corner. Just then the door opened with a crash and a boy with blonde hair and pale blue eyes fell in.

Laughter erupted around the room before Emoriah's uncle hushed them and went on with his lecture of good behavior.

The boy got up quickly his face turning bright pink, before shuffling with his head down, to sit next to Emoriah.

"You're a girl." Emoriah turned her head to see the boy next to her flabbergasted. "Yes, I'm aware."

"No, I mean what are you doing?" The boy said, leaning to her ear. "Girls aren't allowed in here."

Emoriah rolled her eyes.

This sexist thing was getting on her nerves. Girls are just as strong and intelligent, as men. The fact that they don't comprehend that here, is bollocks! Maybe that's what she had to fix!

To bring women and girls into this school. Into Equality!

She shifted back in her seat a determined expression upon her face.

Yes, she will fix this!

"Miss?" She turned her head to see the boy looking at her questionably.

Right! He asked her a question.

"Yes. Right. Well, I'm Emoriah." She said, giving her hand out for a shake.

The boy stared at it for a second before grasping it. He shook it once, before letting it go looking at her hand as if it were a snake.

"You didn't answer my question."

She sighed. She might as well just get this over with.

"I'm Princess Emoriah."

The word 'princess' felt foreign on her tongue as she spoke it.

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