Chapter Twenty-Three: The Uninvited Party Guest

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-------------------------------------------------------The streets of Airedale still bustled lively at sunset, as Emoriah and her comrades walked down its colorful streets. Cole led the group, as they ventured deep into the city.

Emoriah glances at the elves walking by watching, as they whispered and pointed their chubby fingers at her comrades rather towering height. She wondered what the man they were looking for was like. Was he an elf? Or a fae? But most importantly could he help them?

Emoriah glanced at Kaede's stiff back trying to keep up with his stealthy and powerful strides, as she followed behind like a clumsy duckling. The fopdoodle in front of her was one who needed help. Chopping off her hair like it was nothing!

Cole lead the group down dark twisting allies filled with trash, and lurking animals savaging for food. Emoriah shivered, as they walked past a group of men. They were the same species she had yet to know the last time she was here in Airedale.

The men seemed to have been fighting and froze at the sight of them turning the corner. One man was pushed against the brick wall by two other dirtied men. Their arms were thick and muscular much fitting with their nasty smiles.

Emoriah watched their arms tensed, as her group made their way closer towards them. This is why the saying "stranger danger" was enforced. The man in between their arms struggled against them his cries the only sound breaking through the night.

Emoriah reached out to help the poor tortured soul but she didn't get far before Shay grabbed her arm and hooked it sharply around hers. "Leave them be. Wimpleton are very short-tempered best to just let them fight it out." Shay said, pulling Emoriah's gaze back to the front.


"Taller than elves stubborn as a mule. Best fighting race created." Shay said, looking at her. Emoriah stared back blankly shrugging her shoulders. She was only at school for a bit, though with being in the hospital after the Ogon attack and being snatched up by an Adar, it had been quite an eventful few days.

"Never heard of them."

Shay rolled her bright eyes and brushed a few golden strands of hair that escaped from her ponytail. "I'm actually not surprised those lousy forsaken Dragon lords didn't teach you anything. Their all talk in my opinion."

Emoriah laughed loudly hearing it carry above their heads and over the shiny rooftops by the cool breeze. "Its also my fault though. I think I missed two or three lessons." Emoriah didn't need anything more that a lifted eyebrow from Shay to indulge her past adventures.


They finally stopped at a peculiar run-down house. All the shades from inside had been pulled down hiding any view from outsiders.

Jeepers! Why does it look so haunted?

Missing steps from the porch created gaping holes, which bared deep down to a dark abyss. It was quite an obstacle, as they maneuvered their way around the foot snatching holes to the battered wooden door that looked so frail that a small draft could take it away.

The house seemed to have been a royal blue long ago but time seemed to have stripped its beauty away. Emoriah hung back from the group wary on entering the house, as memories slid past her mind.

Memories she wished she could forget but instead were branded harshly in her. Her bullies loved to torment her at school. So, on Halloween they made it extra special. She remembered how they grabbed her arms and dragged her to a ram shacked house locking her in and taking her candy. She was hardly eight. She rifled through these memories, as she leaned against a beam protruding from the house.

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