Chapter Twenty-Six: Swimming with the Crocs

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Emoriah scrutinized the murky water that rushed viciously by appearing closer and closer, as she fell from her flight.

Her body hit the chilly water forcefully knocking the precious air from her lungs in a gut-wrenching smack. It only took a manner of seconds, before Emoriah pushed with her legs and her arms to reach the surface of the water the thick sliminess of it sticking to her like second skin.

Oh bugger. This is so nasty.

A sudden solid object bashed against her skull pushing her flailing body further away from the surface and the very desired Oxygen that chanted her name.

Blast! Blast! Blast!

Blinding hot pain prickled over Emoriah scalp, as she felt herself tumble helplessly in circles courtesy of the blasted current.

Snapping her eyelids open Emoriah flinched against the murky substances that smacked against her eyeballs like aimless misfired creatures out to get her. Glancing up at she spotted a certain extensive dark shadow above her instantly scaring the breath from her lungs, as she froze the flapping boney arms attached to her shoulders.

The dark monstrous shadow slithered in fluid powerful strokes, as it expansive thickly scaled tail swished threateningly against the furious current of the river.

Prat! It's a bloody croc!

Emoriah scrunched her eyes closed and curled her body tightly together, as the harsh water thrashed her around like a rag doll.

The burning sensation abruptly become too much for her frail oxygen deprived lungs, as she opened her eyes and searched around for the flesh-eating monster.

What the hells was it?

Suddenly a solid blow to her gut sent the rushing cold slimy water in her mouth choking her instantly, as it flooded its way to her lungs.

She had to get to the surface. She was feeling a tad bit crapulous at the moment.

Pushing her way through the foul water with her lungs burning alive and black spots danced across her vision she finally bobbed to the surface. Emoriah gasped as the sweet rush of oxygen filled her nose and rushed down her clogged chest, as she spat the water from her lungs in raspy coughs.

Cold dark eyes unexpectedly blew across her mind, as a puzzling amount of thick concern hit her.

Where was the hells was Kaede?

The current had taken her further than she had anticipated, as the canoe was beached against the weeds of the bank thirty meters behind with no sign of Kaede.

Emoriah glanced above scanning the trees swiftly, before she spotted the shimmering scales of Asita, Shula, and Amos, as they chittered at her in frantic. Emoriah ignored their panicked calls and again searched her eyes over the slimy green water for Kaede.

He had to be here. He was not dead. She wouldn't believe it.

But there was still no trace of Kaede's masculine figure in the rushing cold water sending a cutting punch of worry at her stomach

Could he possibly be.... no, she will look for him on shore. He could have pulled his stubborn arse out of the water and be waiting for her with a stony expression upon his icy face.

She would not keep him waiting!!

Kicking fiercely with her legs she spotted a log protruding from the thick green brushes and snatched a slippery hand from the water to grab it.

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