Chapter Thirty-Five: A Wretchedly Stunning New Relative

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Dingy yellowed lights flickered and swayed, as they hung from above lighting up the sparse room in front of Emoriah. A slender wooden table and set of chairs seemed to have ate the space away between its shabby four walls.

Emoriah exhaled slowly and watched, as her hot breath left thin wispy trails of smoke in the air. Where in the hells was, she?

A heavy stack of The Times perched at the far end of the wooden table immediately caught her attention. Reaching with a trembling cold hand she lifted the crisp paper towards the flickering light.


Her eyes frantically slid over the thin paper, as tightly bound fear swirled in her chest.

Bethany Green and her daughter Emoriah Green suspected to be missing last Friday night. The daughter was last seen recovering from the wild fire that burned down Sweet Freedom Academy, now also their manor in the countryside was found burning with fire two days later. There seems to be no evidence that they perished in the wild fire. So, was this horrendous event a strife on their lives? We have yet to know. The Bobbies believe the Greens to be in life-threatening danger. If you have spotted or seen the Greens, please call this number. (212)-145-3489

Emoriah felt her stomach tighten even further, as her eyes glanced over the photograph splayed next to the article of her and her mother. Laugh lines were very evident on her mother's fair face, as she smiled down on the scrawny fiery wild-haired girl laying in her lap. Emoriah pursed her lips, before throwing the paper back on the table.

The photograph was taken two years ago and there was only one copy... by her mother's desk. It should have been destroyed in the fire with the rest of their possessions. But somehow it survived.

How they found it...she had no idea.

A sudden clamoring bang of a door broke Emoriah from her troubling thoughts only to push her deeper into the thick swirling mess of reality.

Two tall burly men strode their way into the room with massive scowls painted across their shadowed faces.

Blast! She was dead meat.

Though they seemed to have not noticed her trembling presence, as they each took a wooden chair to sit.

"Any news of the girl?" The man on the right demanded with a chilling deep voice.

The man on the left scratched his ear uneasily before glancing up. "No, sir."

The man on the right pounded the table in fury, as a familiar icy mask trickled it way into his eyes. The man on the left was quick to hurry his next words.

"But we have found traces of the bloody witches mother. Aye, we believe we will catch her soon."

"Ah. Very good."

Emoriah sensed a familiarity to the cold icy man in front of her. He was handsome for his old-age. But there was something else. His manners, his sharp calculating gaze, and even his blasted voice they all reminded her of someone.

A certain someone with dark stormy eyes that pulled at her mind, and stoic and cold unbending frame when on alert. This man before her appeared to be the exact bitter older replica of a certain bodyguard of hers.

"The girl has found her father. They are now residing in the castle..."

"I see our spy has kept us well informed. Has he gained the princesses trust?"

"Aye sir, I believe he has."

The man on the right twisted his lips in a sinister grin, as he intertwined his long pale fingers together. "Now, let the fun begin."

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