Chapter Thirty-Eight: A Race out From the Gloom

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Flip flopping crickets!!

Was he dead?

Prat he better not be.... this tosser had some explaining to do.

Emoriah felt her heart pound rapidly against her chest, as she stared down on Thale's unconscious form.

Blast! Blast! BLAST!

What does one do with a bloody man in a coma?

Raising her hand shakily over his bruised face she nudged his moist cheek with her fingertip. A soft groan escaped his bloody lips from her sharp poke instantly easing Emoriah's worried fears.

Crikey!! Thank Salvatore, he's still alive!

Sharp pinches started across Emoriah's soft skin, as her dragons scurried to and forth in a frenzy. Glancing to her side she felt a frown grace her lips, as her beasties snarled and playfully bit one and another like a pack of rambunctious monkeys.

"Oi! Dingbats that's enough."

The three colorful lizards froze at the stern manner held in her voice, before disappearing swiftly in the folds of her cloak. Emoriah sighed in amusement before again swiping her eyes across the clobbered man below her.

If she could have him sitting up there could possibly be a chance.....a slight chance that could have her carrying him from these ghastly woods.

Gripping tightly onto Thale's damp linen shirt she pulled with fierce determination.

Bloody hell, how much did the bloody tosser weigh?

Branches snapped under Emoriah's shambled slippers, as she drug the beaten boy from the dark grasp of the trees. Sweat trickled down her neck and dripped from her brows, as every obstacle of the forest tried to slow down her steady pace.

Yanking yet another piece of her lovely emerald gown from the claws of a bush she growled lowly in her throat.

Brilliant! Her arms have already lost their sense of feeling and she had barely dragged him six meters!

Blast! She couldn't be this knackered.

Wiping her sticky palms against the cool silk of her dress she scrunched her face tightly in concentration, before grasping harshly onto Thale's armpits.

"Pardon me Thale, if you seem to wake up with rather gruesome bruises in your hairy pits." But only the rolling and bouncing of his unconscious face answered her dry sense of humor.

Maneuvering Thale's muscular form through the bend of a skinny tree truck a piercing snap of a branch broke the heavy silence, as it echoed eerily around her.

A cold rush of fear swirled its way into her chest, as her eyes quickly flickered across the green foliage around her panting frame.

Blast! Who was out there?

Many horrifying personas spilled across her mind, as she calculated her next move.

Bloody cack! What if the bloody bastards were back wanting to finish what they left behind?

Hearing another snap echo from the shadows spurred her mind back to the present and away from the numerous possibilities if they were caught.

Grabbing Thale's upper waist firmly, she straitened her spine and heaved her trembling legs in a brisk pace. Thale's head painfully jerked to and forth from her limping pace, as his sturdy boots dragged deeply in the soft dirt from behind.

Suddenly the soft snaps in the forest grew to obnoxious earsplitting thuds and tearing of earth, as feet pounded harshly against the dirt.

Bloody hell! They must have heard her!!

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