Chapter seventeen: Lost in Airedale

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A bewildering sweet surprise was etched on various faces, as Emoriah's dragons emerged from her cloak like little devils. Emoriah watched as Mr. Habla Mucho eyes widened. Probably not expecting something like this to occur.

She also felt pride watching her dragons soar in the air. Their wings shining vibrantly under the sun's rays enticing the sinister look in their luminous eyes. "Stop."

It wasn't said harshly or too raucous either instead it was soft. Demanding obedience.

Emoriah glanced over her shoulder to see Professor Lucan gazing at her dragons almost in fascination. Emoriah's dragons ceased at his command then glided back to her shoulders in a hurry.

They chittered in the hush silence that swallowed the field, as they rubbed their scaly necks against hers. Emoriah could feel their shame and forgave them instantly.

They were protecting her. And he wasn't hurt just a little shook.

She glanced over at Mr. Habla Mucho and almost smiled at his frightened expression.

Professor Lucan gestured her to follow him, before turning around and vanishing in the crowd. "Class is dismissed."


Light spilled out of the numerous windows that faced the thick forest outside. Emoriah's eyes drifted over the room in awe. Wooden beams wove into the white rock walls that held candles giving the needed light in the back of the room, where sunlight could not reach.

Massive bookcases lined one wall of the room each filled to the brim with leather bindings and pages. Tapestry's of great wars hung from above.

One in particular burned in her mind. The artists caught the expression of a dragon drawing his last breath, as a man stood above him his sword painted in blood.

Professor Lucan sat at the cluttered desk that faced the glass panels clasping his fingers in front of him.

He gazed at her before drawing his eyes to her shoulders where a dragon each sat. He studied them briefly before speaking.

"You're not the first student to have bonded with a dragon this young. But alas, you're the first to have come to our school with a hatched dragon. But even more surprising two hatched dragons! I must say we were all pleasantly surprised." He then drew his eyes to Asita. "However, I do have to ask you how you attained your Raven dragon. The last known one hatched about a hundred years ago."

Emoriah raised her arm and stroked behind Asita's ears with her fingers. "My father had her hidden for me."

Professor Lucan nodded, as they watched Asita puff a cloud of smoke and sigh in contentment. "Yes, I see. If your dragon was to be grabbed by the wrong hands... Well, let's just be thankful he protected her."

He then looked at her with a puzzled expression upon his face. "Although because of your young age. I thought it would be wise if someone helped you fully bond with these creatures. There is so much you are not familiar with. I heard you have a bodyguard. Who is it?"

Cold bitter eyes flashed in her mind. "Kaede, Sir."

"Ahh, of course. Kaede is only the best fighter we've seen these past years, which gained him quite a name at such a young age. He was the first student ever to find and hatch a dragon egg before graduating. Yes, he shall teach you well."

The realization of what he was saying finally dawned on her.

He expected her! Her to be taught by Mr. Cold Eyes!

No, she already had him as a bodyguard, which she would get around eventually. But as to teach her!

Yea, no thanks.

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