Chapter Thirty-Two: The Dancing Dragons

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This chapter is dedicated to my smart and sassy sister, who has been my first fan from the beginning.

Anyways enjoy luvs!

And a vote or two would be nice;)
"Holy cow." Cole whispered abruptly, snapping Emoriah from her tranquilized shock.

You got that right.

Numbers of bright molting Dragons chittered excitedly at Cole's voice, as they eyed their rescuers with wide luminous eyes.

Emoriah raised her hand and held her flame closer towards the cage nearest to them. Three scanty emerald dragons stared back with their slender backs sticking awkwardly to the side. Thin bones clung to their leathery hide, showcasing the delightful manners of their hosts.

The wankers couldn't even give them a bone!

"Shay, take Thale and Cole and start opening these cages." Kaede's sharp voice demanded.

"How are we supposed to get them all out of here Kaede?" Shay replied, her strong voice just as sharp.

Kaede grinded his teeth before looking over the numerous foul cages lining the extensive hallway.

"We'll find a way." He breathed.

We have too.

Emoriah set her jaw and rubbed Amos' soft underbelly before following Kaede's powerful strides down the unnerving hallway. Soft cries followed their steps as they passed more cages filled with beaten or starved dragons.

Emoriah felt her heart ping sharply in her chest at the sight of every wearied lost scaly face. Her eyes brimmed with tears as she turned her gaze on Kaede's tall masculine back.

"It's okay your highness. We will save them all." Tris' soft voice whispered from behind, his warm breath hitting the exposed skin on her neck.

Emoriah nodded and hastily blinked the tears back.

She will not be the weak link.

She didn't know how many cages they passed but her feet soon grew numb from the cold seeping through her boots. Kaede suddenly stopped his brisk pace causing Emoriah to smash her soft face into his firm back.

Bullocks! Couldn't he give a little warning?

Rubbing her aching nose, she observed their surroundings with a soothing flame swirling within her palm.

They stood in front of a massive cage that screamed "warm welcoming" with its cold enticing chains latched across the thickly spiked door.

Emoriah ventured her eyes over the elaborate cage and its thick metal works, noticing that various locks were latched onto the metallic door. A bloody killer's dream.

Heavy labored breaths emanated from beyond the cold hard bars and dark void of the cell. Emoriah felt her fingers clutch Amos's leathery body in thickening apprehension.

What if it wasn't him? What if it was just another Valen flopdoodle? Would Kaede.... give up?

Emoriah sneaked a small peek in Kaede's direction and studied his cold un-moving stare directed at the bolts holding the door closed.

Would they leave her behind?

A deep unamused chortle blew past Kaede's lips, as he grabbed his sword and broke the thick bolts with one clamorous swing.

"Leave you behind? Do you take me for a fool you witless creature? If I had the power to do so......" Kaede lowered his voice and shook a dark stray lock from his brow. "I would have locked your infuriating arse days ago."

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