part 4

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The next day, I decided to look around the house a little better and get to know the way around. Since I was so tired the night before, I hadn't really taken notice of the room I slept in yet. so when got out of bed, I noticed that my room was quite big and I had a four-poster bed with acacia wooden bedside tables on either side with night lights on top. The entire room had a somewhat darker and calming aesthetic which was nice. 

On the ceiling hung a big chandelier with 2 layers of candles. across the room, stood a white-ish beige sofa and a small foot table. to the left of it stood a closet in the size of some people their entire bedroom. On the left wall were some windows which lead to the outside world closed off by blinds.  and on the right of the room were 2 doors. one of them I knew led to the hallway and the other I could only suppose to my bathroom.

I felt like crap because I had slept about 13 hours straight, so I walked toward the bathroom to freshen myself up as I wondered what that was going to look like.

as I walked in, I smelled a scent of lavender enter my nose. The Bathroom consisted of a huge rain shower, a normal toilet, a urinal, 2 sinks, and 2 corresponding mirrors. I walked to one of the sinks and looked in the mirror. My face looked like a zombie's and my hair looked as if I had just walked through the toughest storm ever. I splashed some water in my face and tried and fix my hair.

After I had fully freshened up, I went downstairs to get some breakfast. Downstairs, my little sister ran towards me and pulled me into a hug. Everyone was already awake and fresh, which I couldn't fully understand since I was still sleep drunk. Everyone immediately after my sister let go, greeted me lovingly, what felt way better than my brother smacking the back of my head as a greeting. 

After I ate my breakfast and got ready for the day, my uncle told me that he would like me to come to a cafe in town to help him out with some business and to catch up on what's going on in my life. 


At the cafe, we decided to sit in the outside seating area. We sat down and almost immediately a waiter came up to us.

"Can I help you with anything, sir? everything is on the house." He said with somewhat of a shiver in his voice.

"Not yet but come back in about 10 minutes." Uncle Fabio said as he ordered him to leave by waving his hand away.

"So, how is my little brother doing? I haven't seen him in almost 2 years." He asked revering to my father.

"He is alright, business is good, the family is tight," I said.

Even tho my uncle and father were brothers, they were nothing alike, my father was fixed on his business all the time and could barely do anything else, even sometimes so that his family had to suffer for it, but my uncle is more of the caring kind and will slaughter everyone who hurts the people he cares about. I sometimes wish that I would have been his son instead of my fathers. Of course, I would never tell anyone that because my father would rip my head off if he would ever hear me say that.

After a little while of talking, some girls walked by the cafe, staring at us and giggling at each other. They were all pretty, but one just stood out to me. She had light brown hair and deep ocean blue eyes. She wasn't really giggling like the others, but just looked me right in my eyes.

Her face en body looked the most feminine I had ever seen and her hair was curly and her lips were full. She had a sharp jaw and a cute pointy nose with freckles. She wore a green sweater with a brown leather jacket over it, black jeans and white sneakers.

Since my uncle and I were leaving in a little, he was inside to pay the check anyway (he doesn't like it when he gets free food because he feels like he makes money for nothing.) So I took that opportunity to go and talk to the girl in the leather jacket. As I walked towards the crowd of about 6 girls, they all started laughing and whispering even more but when I reached them they got quiet.

"Nice jacket, is it your boyfriend's?" I asked.

"I wish, but no I don't have a boyfriend if that's what you wanted to know." She said with a mean smile on her face.

"No? a girl like you? and no boyfriend? that's a shame." I said jokingly.

"It's not that there are no boys who want me, just the once that try and get me and that I want, have to go through my brother first, cause he won't even let me talk to boys." She said annoyed as she rolled her eyes.

"And yet here I am, talking with you face to face and no brother to be seen and I'm not scared of anyone either." 

She looked at me with a somewhat concerned face. "You are not from around here, are you?" 

"What makes you think so?" 

"Because, if you were, you wouldn't have said that." She said really serious all of a sudden.

"Trust me, I would. Now, what's so scary about this town?" I said, still somewhat jokingly, which she did not seem to appreciate. 

She gestured for me to come closer to her. "There live crazy gangsters around here who can kill you with one snap of their fingers." She whispered.

I couldn't hold myself from laughing so that the girls all looked at me with mad faces as if I didn't take their story seriously.  "So your brother, right? is he one of those gangsters or what?"

"shut up! not everyone needs to know. But no he is not 'one of them' no, he has done some jobs for them in the past and he is into some other dirty business which I don't even want to know about. Also, I have no idea why I'm telling you any of this, I just met you."

"Tell your brother that Dominic D'Andre wants to date his sister." I said.

Her body stiffened and her eyes were drenched with shock. She opened her mouth to say something, but no words would come out. Then she opened her mouth again and, "but I thought you said you weren't from around here."

"I'm not, but I have a feeling my uncle is somewhat known around here", I said.

"You are Fabio D'Andre's cousin?" She asked, still looking at me with shock.

"Yeah, why? You sound like you have heard about me before?" I said with half a smile on my face.

"Ehhm, well yes, word has gone around about the fact that Fabio D'Andre's cousin and niece would come over, but I don't know much about it", she said. She fixed her eyes on the ground to escape eye contact.

"What did you hear about me then?" I smiled while trying to regain eye contact.

I could tell she was nervous, so I tried to act nice and friendly so she would feel more comfortable, but she kept herself distanced.

"Just those things, nothing else really."

I looked at her with humorous disbelieve, but she just would crack a smile at me, or even look at me.

"DOMINIC!" I heard my uncle shout from behind me. "We're leaving, we got some buisness to attend to." I looked at him and I saw he was calling with someone while talking to me.

I guessed it was important, since he seemed angry at the person he was talking with, so I decided that I wouldn't let him wait much longer.

"I'll see you around I guess, but I've got to go for now. Thanks for the talk." I smiled again, but this time she finally smiled back at me.


Thanks for reading, I hope you enjoyed it, if you did please let me know through a comment or a direct message to me, also please tell me if you have any tips or anything I could do better next time.

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