part 21

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A loud knock on the front door. Even tho, between us and the door there was an entire room,  we both jumped up out of bed.

"I'll go, you try and find a place to hide. I don't understand how they found us." I said.

She nodded.

I got a small handgun from my jacket, which was hanging on the door and walked over to the front door. I opened the door slowly but held the gun hidden behind the door with my finger on the trigger, ready to shoot through the door. All I was wearing was a shirt and some sweatpants.

I looked outside to see Dante and two of his men standing in front of the door. A deep sight left my mouth.
"What are you doing here?" I asked.

"Checking up on you and the girl." He replied as he walked in.

I put the gun back in the jacket pocket and walked back to the bedroom, to ensure Lola that it was safe, but before I could, Dante grabbed my arm and turned me around.

"What do you think you're doing?" He asked looking right at me with some anger in his eyes.

"What are you talking about?"

"The girl, you slept with her didn't you?" He accused me.

"Ofcourse not!"

"Then where did you sleep? Because it sure wasn't on this couch and you didn't come home either! You know what dad said about her." He sissed at me.

"It wasn't how you think.."

"No wasn't it? Didn't you and her sleep in 1 bed even tho dad told you to keep distant from her?" He pushed me backwards.

"Calm it Dante! What is your deal!" I shouted as I tried my best not to fall over.

"Maybe the fact that you didn't listen!" He pushed me again.

"Quit it already! I hoped you wouldn't treat me like a fucking child after what happened!" I grabbed his hand so he couldn't push me anymore.

"Yeah? Is that what you want? You wnat me to treat you like a fucking grownup? Like another one of dad's men? Cause I'll get my FUCKIG gun out right now!" He shouted as he turned the arm with which I was holding him on my back and pushed me against the wall.

"You can't tell me to listen to dad while you aren't even listening to him yourself! You heard what he said about us fighting!" I had a hard time speaking with my face pushed against the wall.

"He isn't here now is he?" He took a tighter grip on my arm.

"Exactly! Then why are you making a big thing out of this." I shouted while trying my best to keep my face off the wall.

"Cause it's different!" He shouted. "I want you to get out of here." He let go of my arm.

"Dante, she told me what happened alright. Don't do this to her, please."

He looked into my eyes.
"If this girl brings you trouble, pain or any problems, I will not help you and I guarantee dad won't either."

I looked at the ground and nodded my head.
"This is something I have to help her with, whether you will help me or not. Thank you."

Dante signed for his men to get out, petted me on the shoulder "Good luck." and left aswell.

I sighted out of relieve. It didn't matter if he would work with me, as long as he didn't work against me.

I walked back into the bedroom.

"It's alright, you can come out now." I asured Lola.

I heard some sounds from under the bed and then saw her comming out from under it.

"What happened?" She said as she ran towards me for a hug.

"It's alright, it was just my brother being a dick... don't worry, I promised I would keep you safe and I will do so."

She held her arms in a tight grip around my waiste, it felt nice that she cared about me.

I smiled at her gently.

"Get yourself cleaned up, I'll find a safe place for you to stay." I said as I carefully made her let go of me.

She nodded and went into the bathroom.

To be honest, I had no idea where I could bring her. I couldn't bring her to my house cause no one there would let her stay. I could go to Franco's, but she would be found there. I could send her to Italy to stay with my family there, but then I couldn't keep a close eye on her.
I thought about it a lot. Killing Jonas was probably the only choice I had to keep her out of his hands.

I was sitting on the bed, thinking of any other options, when I felt a hand on my shoulder. I quickly looked behind me. It was Lola, she was done getting ready.

"Are you okay?" She asked.

I felt that I was lost in thought for a while and now got smacked back into reality.

"Hmm?" I asked her.

"I asked if you are alright." She repeated.

"Uhh yeah I'm fine..." I stuttered.

She frowned at me as she took a seat next to me and layed her head down on my shoulder.

"Where are we going to go?"

I sighted.
"I'm not sure.." I replied. "We can't stay here for too long tho."

"You'll figure something out, I know you will." She kissed my neck.

"I think that I maybe have to kill him." I said finally.

She didn't answer, but I could tell she was somewhat shocked about what I said.

I sighted. "Otherwise you'll have to run from him forever and you'll never have peace." I looked over at her. Her eyes were focused on the floor.
"I can't take you anywhere to protect you and I don't think there is any way to talk about this with him. I don't know what else I could do to make him stop."

She nodded slightly and I nodded back.

"But hey, atleast things will get better afterwards. I can keep you safe then. We can finally get some propper rest." I lifted her and put her on my lap.
"I can take you to Italy sometime. You would love it there I'm sure!" I smiles at her and kissed her gently on her cheek.

She nodded again. This time less subtle and then put her arms around my head and I put mine around her waist. It was great, she was great, I finally felt like things were going to be okay.

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