part 22

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I made a few phone calls. It turned out that Jonas did indeed go back to Eden's that night and trashed the place. Now I for sure had to hurry up and fix the place.

I had some of my men find him and follow him so I could figure out when to get to him. According to them, he didn't do a lot. He was most at home, some bar, hunting down Lola or fucking some other girl.

My dad called earlier as well, asking if I could come home for dinner. At first, I told him I couldn't, but he said there was something important that he had to talk about, so I told him I would come. I got Tony to watch over Lola for a while and made my way home.

Everyone sat at the table. The usual set up. Violet was there as well.
After a bit of chitchat, Dante got up. He was holding Violet's hand.
"I have to say something. I and papa have talked about this a lot." He seemed nervous. "A few things actually." He cleared his throat. "We're pregnant." He said finally.

Everyone immediately reacted. My mom got up and hugged both of them. I put on a big smile and so did Ange. Even my dad nodded confirming towards Dante.

When everyone had calmed down a bit from the news he continued.
"Because of this, some things are going to happen." He sighed and cleared his throat again. "I am moving out and I will step away from the family business." Everyone started reacting again, but after dad sussed everyone, Dante could continue again.

"I don't want my child to ever get in this business or to get their hands dirty in any other kind of way. I want them to stay safe and never have to face any real dangers as we had to. Me and dad talked about this particular a lot, but in the end, he gave me his blessing." He looked at dad for a second and sighed in relieve with a little grateful smile.

I couldn't think of a world where Dante wasn't helping with dads business. He has heeb doing so even before I was born and I never knew it any other way.
Nobody said anything until my mother finally got up and hugged Dante.
"I'm going to miss you." She said after giving him a big kiss on his cheek.

Ange scoffed.
"With who am I supposed to bully Dom now? Can't leave me doing that all on my own!" She said with a big smile on her face.

"I'm sure you'll manage. You're better at it than me anyway." He replied.

I rolled my eyes at them.
Dante's eyes shifted towards me like he was waiting for me to say something now.

I smiled at him.
"You're going to be a great dad," I said.

After dinner was over, I got a call from Luca, who was looking over everything going on around Jonas. So I went outside to pick up and meanwhile smoke a quick cigarette.

"Yes?" I got out my lighter with my cigarette hanging out of my mouth. I whipped the lighter open and lit the cigarette.

"Dominic, I would like to discuss a plan with you. My men said that they know enough to make some proposals for you." Luca's rough voice sounded from the other side of the line.

"Okay, when and where are we meeting for this?" I asked.

"I was thinking of tomorrow at Eden's around 12?" He suggested.

"Eden isn't quite available right now... we could meet at Giovani's and you have a deal." I replied.

"Alright." Luca replied before ending the call.
I stood with my back against the outside wall. It was quite warm outside today, even now in the evening, when the sun had already gone down, I could still feel the warm air on my skin. It was quiet. I could hear my cigarette butt burning and crackle as I inhaled the smoke.
I noticed that the sky looked nice tonight. The setting sun shone onto the clouds. It looking orange, red and almost gold.

I closed my eyes for a second and imagined a world where all my troubles were gone, no more stress and insecurities.
Lola was there, it was nice, calm and perfect almost. I had everything I needed or wanted.

I opened my eyes again and it was all gone again. I sighted. The sky seemed to go grey again. I threw the remaining of my cigarette on the ground and stomped my foot on it before I went back inside again.

The next morning, I showed up at the restaurant.
I walked to the back of the place, where the covered tables were. We usually had meetings here, because the other people in the restaurant couldn't hear us there.

When I arrived, Luca with Serano and some other older and new men were already sat down at the table.

I took my place on the head of the table.

They told me about Jonas' entire schedule and when would be the best places to attack, to take his guard down, make him feel good, so that he won't suspect anything. all that kind of stuff.
The plan was to have him do his normal daily routine, maybe send in some girl to attract his attention. Then when he is on his way to the casino he hangs out in every day, we get someone to crash into his car and get him angry and make him come out of his car. Best a somewhat empty road, so everything would go unnoticed. Then come out and riddle him with bullets. That was how it was going to go.

Everyone agreed on next Thursday. So it was cemented, Jonas was going down.

After the meeting was over, I went to check in Lola, who was still at the hotel.
I found her still asleep and decided to make her breakfast and bring it to her bed.

I made waffles, eggs, coffee and sandwiches. Walked over to her bed, put the plate down on the drawer and sat down calmly next to her.
I gently combed my hand through her hair, which made her wake up. When she saw me, a big smile appeared on her face and she got up slowly to hug me.

"I got you breakfast." I said after she let go again. "Hope you like it."
I walked back to the drawer to get the plate.

She kissed me on my cheeck while I was bending over to put the plate down on her lap.

"Thank you." She whispered.

I walked over to the other side of the bed and layed down next to her on the bed.
It didn't take long before I found myself falling back asleep.

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