part 14

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I got woken up by a loud knock on my door.

"One second." I shouted.

I quickly put on a t-shirt that I found on the ground. It was a blank white shirt.
I walked over to the door and opened it, still half asleep.
On the other side of the door stood Dante.

"Get ready, you're comming with me." He commanded.

"Where the hell are we gonna go at this hour?" I asked annoyed.

"Just trust me, I'll explain you on the way. Also... dress a little neat please."

I rolled my eyes and then went back into my room to take a shower and get ready for wherever the hell we were going to go.
After I went downstairs, where Dante was already waiting. He sat at the dinnertable.

"You took some time princess." He said annoyed.

"First of, I took 10 minutes and second of, why the hell are you in such a hurry?"

He got up and started walking towards the door.
"Like I said, I'll tell you on the way, now come on and follow me."

Outside it was still dark. The sun had only come up barley yet and some starts were still visible.

We walked over to one of the cars and got in, Dante in the driversseat and me next to him. He drove to the gates, where he waited for them to open. Once they were open far enough, Dante hit the tail and we rushed off onto the street.

"Alright, start talking then."

"Yeah, you know the Monti family right?" He said.

I did,they were a family that didn't care about rules, they did anything for some money and they were very dirty, they had spies everywhere, like cockroaches. They were all together dirty as hell and I hated them and so did Dante.

"What about them?"

"You know their son, Enzo Monti?"

"Yes I do."

"Some of our guys came to me telling me they spotted him with Angelic, somewhere on their side of the city in the night, they told me that he was harresing her. You're gonna help me make sure that jerk of a Monti knows to keep his rat hands of our family." He said. I could hear anger building up in his voice. He smashed the steering wheel with his hand in anger.

I felt myself get angry aswell. The Monti family were all scum, but Enzo was a straight up rat. He manipulated people, he threatened people to get things the way he wanted it. He was a fucking spoiled brat that would raise literal hell if things didn't go his way.

"I swear to God, I'll rip him to parts that scumbag."

"I send some men to go and get him, he is down at the hotel basement now." Dante said.

We drove over to our family's owned hotel. It was nice, the lobby was coloured in mostly red and gold tints. We greated the receptionist and he let us straight through. We walked through a door that led to a staircase down to the basement and opened the door. The room was not that big, the walls were white and on the ceiling there were bright lights attached that easily lit the entire room with white light. In the middle, tied up to a chair, the bastard was sitting. He was already looking pretty rough from our boys bringing him here, but it was nothing compared to what he would look like when we would be done with him.

Around the room there were about 10 to 15 of our man standing, waiting in suspense for what was going to happen, it was like they were going to watch a movie in the theatre, they were only missing some popcorn.

"Alright, this is not some show, you and you stay, the rest leave." Dante said, pointing at me and Tony who was standing against the wall.

They left the room until only the 4 of us were left.

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