part 17

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Scumbags of the street who think they can make it by selling drugs, think they could climb up the chain and run this place and I had to keep them in line.. or at least 1 of the groups. Dante had another group to take care of in some other place.

Fights broke out about every 10 minutes, people would steal and there were often spies that thought they could get information from people down here. It was hell.

"Alright everyone, I am missing 300 in cash, so either someone took it, or someone didn't count their money. Both are stupid and could get you in trouble! So you give yourself up now or I'm gonna have to play detective and I really don't want to cause I'm tired and I want to go home and I think everyone does..." I called out through the entire storage space which was filled with dealers that were bringing in their money and comming to get new badges to sell.

Everyone sighted at the remark.

"300 is nothing compared to everything you already got man! What's the problem?!" Someone shouted from the crowd and people seemed to agree with him.

"Well, if I'd let it go now for these 300 bucks, then why wouldn't I next time if it's 350 or 400? What's the difference? Keep that going up and we got nothing left! I'm supposed to make sure shit like this doesn't happen and I don't want to have to stay here just like you so better give yourself up already!" I replied.

"I know who did it!" Someone said from the crowd again.

"Yeah? Who?"

"It was fuking McKenzie! That fucker always steals or forgets shit!" They said.

The rest seemed to have different opinions towards the statement. People started shouting at eachother and some even started fighting.

"Okay that's enough already! McKenzie, please come over here." I said calmly.

Some dude, around my age started comming forward like I said.

He was wearing a black hoodie, which he had pulled over his head. He had strains of brown hair sticking out of his hood and he had a pale skin. He walked slowly, with his hands in the pockets of his jeans.

When he got to me, I could finally see his face properly. His pale skin consisted of a bunch of freckles and his hair seemed oily.

I put my hand on his shoulder and suggested he followed me.

Since the building was just one giant stirage unit, there weren't really any rooms, just some desks seperated by walls that reached about my nose. I walked over to my desk and sat down.

"Sit." I ordered.

He followed my order and took the seat opposite of me.

"Alright, I don't want to be here, it wasn't my choice to babysit all of you, but I hwve to. So either you tell me wheter you did this shit or who did it..." I suggested.

"Man I swear it wasn't me!"

"Yeah? You swear that? You'd swear it on your fucking life man? I don't want to make a big deal out of this shit, so if you tell me now, I'll let you go, but if you ARE lying to my face, I'll keep you to that fucking promise alright... I swear." I said threatening.

"Nah man it wasn't me!"

"Alright, get up then.."

"What are you gonna do?" He asked as he did what I asked.

"I'm going to check if you're speaking the truth or not. Spread your arms and legs."

He looked at me a little weird, but followed my orders.

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