part 7

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I didn't like Nino, but no matter how much of a dick he could be sometimes, I had to have some respect for him. He did his job without hesitation and just did what had to be done no matter the consequences.

I went downstairs the next morning at about 11. Most people where in the dinning room having breakfast or making smalltalk except for Nino and Fabio, but I knew exactly where they were.

Last night when we came back, Fabio got angry with Nino about what we did to Paulo, but mostly what Lorenzo did and how Nino let it happen.
I didn't really understand why he got so angry about it, if someone would kick one of my dad's man in the face, he would probably personally end their life, or atleast make it living hell.

After Nino explained everything, Fabio decided to personally go with him today to collect the money Paulo promised, just so that something like this wouldn't happen again. He said that he wanted Nino supervised by someone who knew what they were doing next few times he would do anything related to family business.
Ofcourse Nino didn't agree with this at first, because that would mean that he would be supervised by someone that wasn't even family, but Fabio didn't want any more discussion and then the conversation was over. I guess Fabio id strict in different ways than my father and has different morals.

I sat down next to Luna and made myself some breakfast aswell. I hadn't talked to Luna as much since we arrived, so I decided to have a little conversation with her, to make sure she was all right and that she was getting along with everyone.

"How are you doing?" I asked her nicely.

"I'm good, me and Giulia made a fort out of blankets and cousins yesterday!" She sounded excited.
We talked for a while, but after a little while her excitement left and she barely brought out another word for a while and I didn't know what happened.

"What is it?" I asked. "Did you lose your tong or something?"

She didn't answer. Her eyes were fixed on something and when i followed her glare, I saw she was looking at my hands. They were wrapped in bandage after I beated up Luca the other day. Some of the wounds had opened up again so that you could see some blood stains on the bandage.

I sighted. She had seen quite a lot for someone of her age. Seen people get stabbed, shot, suffocated and seen the people she loved die. I didn't understand why this bothered her so much all of a sudden.

"Come on, what is it?" I asked with a little sarcastic grin in the middle of my sentence. "You never act like this."

She shook her head and then walked of. I didn't bother following her, because she wouldn't talk to me anyway, but my aunt Rosalina did and on her way to the door, she gave me a stern look, like I had done something wrong to Luna.

I rested my head on the table, my arms covering my forehead. I was still tired and really didn't feel like getting in an argument with anyone right now.

Not much later Rosalina came back alone. She sat down accros from me and looked at me. I lifted my head up again so I could look  her in the eyes.

"What happened? She seems so upset. Did you say something to her?" She asked.

I layed my hands in my neck and let my elbows rest on the table.
"I don't know, I didn't do anything. She just stopped talking to me out of nowhere."

"She won't talk to me anymore either, she locked herself in her room and won't open up or respond to anything I'm saying." She said with a sight in the middle of her sentence. "Can't you go take a look? Maybe she'll talk to you..."

I nodded and then went up to her room.
I knocked on the door a few times, but didn't get a response.

"Come on Luna, why are you so upset? You can't stay like this forever, alright." I felt myself getting a little annoyed by her random mood swing. "Open up the door now Luna, or I'll have to call papa and tell him you can't behave. You want that?"

Finally a response. I heard her little footsteps walk towards the door and then stop.

"No please don't call." Her voice sounded.

"Will you open the door then?"

I heard the lock click before the door went open for only a few centimeters. One of her eyes looked up at me through the little crack, but no words.

"Can i come in?" I asked.

She still didn't talk, but she did open the door and then ran over to her bed and sat on it.

Her room didn't look much different from mine, but instead of the darker colors in mine, hers was mostly soft, white and pastel colors.

I layed down on the bed with my head on her lap, a little smile appeared on her face, which she quickly hid in her hands.

"Are you gonne tell me what is wrong now or what?" I asked.

Her smile disappeared again and she looked at me.

"I don't like that you are acting like them." She said quietly.

"What do you mean by that? I don't understand."

"You... you don't hurt people." I heard her voice break. "You never do that and I don't like that you are doing it now."
She got quiet for a second and then continued. "Dad and Dante do that and they are savages, but you are nice, not like them."

I looked at her little face, I hated seeing her like this, but I couldn't change it, I had to do what I had to do.
I sat up straight and fixed my eyes on the blanket underneath it.

"Sometimes you have to sacrifice things to protect your family and that is what I will always do if it comes down to it. I'll go through hell for all of you and if that includes hurting people, so be it. Maybe you should start getting used to it."

I got up out of the bed and walked back to the dinning room to continue my breakfast.
Not much later Luna came downstairs again, acting normal again, except she tried to avoid me.

A few hours later Nino and Fabio came back with no money. Instead Nino had blood on his hands. When he walked past me, I smelled a scent of gasoline. I figured he kept his promise to Paulo.
They came in to the dinningroom where only I was left. They both didn't say much, but I could tell Fabio was pissed. He send Nino to his room, got out a bottle of some sort of liquor and poured a little layer of it into 2 glasses. He put one down in front of me and one on the other side of the table where he sat down.
I decided not to talk to him, since he looked like he wanted to shoot someone's head of.

He picked up his glass and held it up.
"To family" he said with somewhat of a sarcastic tone to it. I picked up my glass and held it up aswell in response.
"To family" i answered with a little bit of a chuckle through it.
We took down our glasses and took the shot at the same time.

Hey thanks for reading, I hope you read the entire thing cause I usually don't like my own writing but I'm happy with the ending of this chapter. Please leave a comment about what you thought of this chapter and if you have any tips or suggestions on my writing. Thank you 💞

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