Chapter 13) Mindscapes Once More

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Ok... Chapter 13. Something bad is probably gonna happen...

Frick that. I'm basically pis- Ahem... "Dinged" off by everyone. KO, Shadowy Figure, and Carol all make me so p- GOD D- I hate this.

Those three are making me so mad right now, and so is this because I


Like someone help me please.

I really ain't trusting Shadowy, but he gave us a truth. The truth that we've been waiting for. But work- with him. Like me, KO, and Shadowy Figure work together? That would never happen.

Also, I ain't talking to KO anymore. He's done  keeping secrets from me. The next time he steps into this mind, and into this house, he's gonna either tell the truth, or not. I remember the exact words he said to me.

I'm not gonna be here, unless I need you. Don't expect freedom.

Those words bring a tear to my eye. If he comes back, I'm gonna do more damage before he does anything to mess with me. He can't keep me locked up here as a prisoner forever. That's bulls- :/

I heard a knock from my door. I groaned.

He's back already?

I went over to the door, and you won't believe who it was. I want you to take a moment and guess.


Can you guess?

Well of course you can! It's freaking KO! Of course it is because he's the only one that can visit me! And that's just great.

"T-TKO.. I k-know you're mad at me, bu-"

"Shut it. I already know you made a deal with Shadowy Figure," I stopped, and walked back into my house. I really didn't want to say this, but I did.

"You two are going to use me for power."


"YES YOU ARE! You're a level 3, while I don't have a freaking pow card. The only reason I was made in the first place, was to be used! It's pretty obvious! I was made by turbonic energy! I'm just power filled by anger and rage. People use me KO, and I just have to accept it."

I fell to my knees and started to cry. The eyeliner on my face came down a bit, but not to much.

"I-I'm just used for power... Nothing more." I was quiet, and so was he. Neither of us said a word. Probably because of that massive breakdown I had.

KO came up behind me. He hugged me. Hugged me. I stopped crying and I was in shock. A hug? It felt weird.

"TKO... You aren't going to be used for power."
He said as calmly as can be. I sighed.

"KO... Forget all of this. It doesn't matter that we don't know the truth. Let's just not get involved in Shadowy's plans. You never kno-"


He straight up said no. I though he wanted to be a hero, but now he's running off with villains. I know that Carol's been keeping secrets, but going with a villain? What's happened to KO?

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