Review #4: Cerulean Corruptions

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Title: Cerulean Corruptions.
Author: xFinitely
Reviewer: strawberrytrifles

Cover: I love the cover of your book. It shows the underlying suspense your book has to offer. Someone takes a good look at your cover, and they can be sure that they're bound to unravel mysteries in your book.

Title: I definitely love your title and honestly haven't heard the word 'cerulean' before. Will be checking my dictionary for that word. It's a pretty awesome title. A high-five for it🙋

Summary: The summary is definitely spot on. It didn't give out too much and didn't give out too small. It gave out each minute important detail you wanted your readers to know. One can tell from your characters to your vague descriptions that you're really into writing this book. It's your passion that's making this book amazing.

Plot: I'm in a 100% favour of your plot. After I read the prologue of your book, I was like 'damn!.... I'm never letting this book go.'

Review based on all your chapters.

Prologue: Your prologue was well described. The description was spot on except this one part I noticed certain words probably missing out "We can't return wit..." Do check that out please.

Chapter one&two: These two chapters were beautifully written and I hope you have millions of reads on your book. It was definitely worth my time.

Overall analysis

What I liked👍





*The whole book😂

What I didn't like🚫

-The missing word part. "We can't return wit..."

Reviewer's final notes:

When I review I'm more of scrutinizing the wheat from the weeds. Being an avid reader I can definitely know when a book has potential. Your book is 'it' and I do hope you finish this beautiful work you've started.

Thanks for requesting

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