Review #27: A Remnant of Fire

30 4 2

Reviewer: _RoseThorn_

Story: “A Remnant of Fire” by TheNightSong
✿ Cover ✿

The graphic for the cover suits the story pretty well, however, the font choice could be improved. The words blend into the background in some areas of the title and the subtitle can only be seen if you look closely. Having a more clear or bold font would make your cover a lot more eye-catching and this will surely attract more readers.
✿ Summary ✿

The summary gives readers just enough information to understand what to expect from the book. It is concise and intriguing, giving off a suspenseful feeling. From the summary alone, I can assume that there will be tons of action, struggles, and shocking twists in Eris’s journey. Added to this, it's pretty clear that this story will take place in a dark dystopian world, which has danger lurking around every corner.
✿ Grammar, Spelling and Vocabulary ✿

Your grammar is generally well edited and the flow of the story is spot on. If I nitpick, I can point out several minor grammatical errors in some parts of the story, but they don't pose as much of an issue. Of course, if you're determined to make your book error-free, a quick revision wouldn't hurt. As for the vocabulary, it is quite broad, but you don't use extremely complicated words. That way, readers can clearly understand the story, while still seeing a good variety of interesting words and unique sentence structures.
✿ Characters ✿

Eris is a brave and strong character, however, I like that you showed that she has a broken and afraid side to her personality. Although she is clearly traumatized by the losses she endured, she doesn’t allow her grief to cloud her judgement, nor does she give up. Based on such qualities, it makes perfect sense why she was able to persevere and continue surviving in such unfavourable conditions. The way you show your characters’ thoughts is a great touch to the story. You make them seem genuine and believable, allowing readers to understand and connect more with the characters. Arryn was honestly so enjoyable to read about. He has a mysterious aspect to him and I loved his ability to keep his composure and obey orders at times when it was clear he wished to slap someone across the face or throw an insult at them. I like that Tora seemed to be around solely to aggravate Arynn and the readers. He is just so effortlessly annoying and it drives me crazy but keeps me thoroughly entertained at the same time. Arryn comes across as apathetic and unfeeling, making readers want to continue on to dig through all the layers in his character. Overall, your characters are all vibrant and you depict their traits very well.
✿ Plot ✿

The plot of this story is very intriguing and has tons of interesting qualities. The attention to detail just ties everything together so well and you paint a great picture of what the characters were experiencing through your descriptions. The dialogue between characters was really natural and believable, although the way they spoke still reflected the differences between the world we know and the world your characters reside in. From what I read, your plot moves at a reasonable pace and there are a number of interesting occurrences in every chapter. The chapters focus on suspense and action, while also developing relationships between characters, as well as the outlooks these characters have on life and their current situations. You also haven't forgotten to delve into the inner feelings of the characters and you do this in a way that keeps readers hooked on the plot.
✿ Other Notes ✿

I love how you included the maps to give readers a better understanding of Geldaria. This shows that you put lots of thought and effort into creating the settings for your story.

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