Review #29: Voice of my Silent Cries

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Reviewer: _RoseThorn_

Story: Voice Of My Silent Cries by breathingforlove
✿ Cover ✿

The colour theme of your cover is really aesthetically pleasing and it suits the story well. The font style for the title is also very fitting, but you might want to choose a different colour or find some other way to make it stand out more. Readers may find the title difficult to read because it blends into the background a bit too much.
✿ Summary ✿

Based on the summary alone, I can assume that the story will have a lot to do with the idea of heartbreak. There really isn’t much detail that describes what exactly the story will explore, so I would suggest adding in a couple more sentences to reveal some details about the plot. Personally, I find that it is best to make sure that readers have some information about the story so that they are able to decide whether or not it is something they would enjoy and would like to take a look at.
✿ Grammar, Spelling and Vocabulary ✿

I spotted a number of grammatical issues throughout the story, which mainly consisted of misused or misplaced commas. There were some instances in which you used commas where periods should have been placed and some of the sentences sounded a little odd. Carefully reading through the book once again and making corrections would be a great way to improve it. I believe some of your mistakes are accidental or a result of autocorrect, such as a spelling error that I spotted in one of the chapters. Added to this, I also noticed that some of the sentences were missing words or had minor errors that made them sound strange as I read them. Despite the simple sentence structures and lack of description, the vocabulary use was pretty good, since I can easily point out several interesting words throughout every chapter. Overall, I highly recommend taking a little time to read through your work and catch any errors so that they don't sway readers away from completing the entire book.
✿ Characters ✿

Not much is known about the characters since the story is really short. The girl seems fairly shy and innocent. She is clearly heartbroken and struggling to come to terms with the fact that her boyfriend left her. Despite her sadness, she tries her best to act as if she is okay by putting on a mask of fake happiness. As for the boy, little is known about him apart from the fact that he was very important to the girl and he knows her well. It seems as if he is also heartbroken over leaving her, making readers wonder why he did it in the first place.
✿ Plot ✿

The fact that you left your characters nameless adds an element of mystery that works perfectly for a short and simple story such as this one. Overall, the plot didn’t display much change or action. The story simply started off and ended with the girl being heartbroken. You did, however, do a great job of explaining her feelings as she struggled to cope with reality. The plot is very believable and I’m sure there are people who can relate to what the girl is going through. This allows readers to connect with the story, as it follows a well-known conflict that many people may be able to relate to.

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