Review #14: Call of Dryad

25 4 2

Reviewer: taz2327
Story: Call of Dryad by DrewJes

First I would like to personally apologize. Your review was very late and I'm sorry. We had to shift reviewers a few times but here it is :)

Wow, your story is absoluely amazing!! The first thing I would like to touch on is your cover. I went into the story with low expectations and I was pleasantly surprised. I think the cover doesn't catch my attention but maybe it will catch others attention.

You have a beautiful way of making a story flow. Reading this was absolutely amazing!!

Your character development could use a little work just because to feel real emotions from a story (and I don't mean just sadness) you must develop the story. William was an okay character I just think from the level of writing you are at I would like a little more.

You had little to no spelling and grammar mistakes throughout the whole story. I'm really impressed and pleased with this story.

Your plot is also amazing. I'm actually pretty sure the only thing I would like to criticize you on is your proper explanations and descriptions. Your dialogue is whimsical and is something a person would actually say but when It comes to your descriptions they seem almost tense. You used very proper words and some run on sentences so I would try to steer clear of those things.

Everything about this story was beautiful and wonderful. As always I noticed a few areas where reading became rough and sometimes thick. I suggest shortening some sentences so you have a mixed bag of sentence lengths.

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