Review#30: The Rhythm of Her Piano

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Reviewer: _RoseThorn_

Story: “The Rhythm of Her Piano” by AreebaDazzle
✿ Cover ✿

The photo of the girl sitting at a piano fits the title perfectly. There is an issue with the font colour though, since it blends into the background a bit too much in most areas. Opting for a lighter font colour will help your title stand out against the relatively dark background image. Apart from this, I also noticed that the word “Rhythm” is spelled incorrectly on the cover, so you might want to consider fixing that as soon as you can.
✿ Grammar, Spelling and Vocabulary ✿

Since this is poetry, the grammar and structure are supposed to be different than prose. Overall, the way you formatted your poems is very clear and they make sense. They also have a nice flow to them and the vocabulary is pretty interesting and well-used. I did spot several accidental errors, such as a part in one of the poems where the word “keys” was repeated twice. There are also a couple of instances where some phrases don't make complete sense and could benefit from some changes and/or rewording.
✿ Other Notes ✿

Your poems are quite intriguing and enjoyable to read. You allow the readers to experience what is going on and clearly picture everything. ”The Rhythm of Her Piano” was a very clever piece and I loved how you started each line with a letter to spell out the title. That poem was a great way to catch peoples’ attention and make them want to continue reading your work. I loved the mystical feel some of your poems expressed, such as “Christmas Spirit” and “Winter Frostbite”. You have a way of using words to create uplifting and almost dream-like poems, which I thought were really unique.


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