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I learned at a young age that no one is born innocent. Everyone has darkness inside of them. We simply don't know until a trigger happens. For me, I was eight when I got my first taste of the darkness and man, it was amazing.

"Look! It's ugly, fat face!" said Milford Jetson, pointing at me while laughing with his friends who stood next to him. "Why do you even bother coming to school? You're too stupid to learn anything."

"L-leave me alone," I stuttered, wishing for the school bell to ring. "I haven't done anything to you guys." I hated this feeling—the feeling of weakness.

For months, I had to endure Milford and his friends' bullying at the playground and in the classroom. They wanted to make it very clear, on the daily, that I lacked parental involvement and proper clothes since most of them are either donated or hand-me-downs.

"You're still breathing," he retorted, still laughing as my lower lip quivered and eyes became teary. "Aww, are you going to cry? I can see why your mommy and daddy didn't want you. It's too embarrassing for them to show such an ugly, crybaby to people."

I shut my eyes, covering my ears with my hands to block out the ridicule. I silently prayed for someone—anyone to come and stop this torture. Sadly, no one came. After all, who wants to save an orphan child.

A strong push came from my right side, causing me to lose balance and fall over onto the stone ground. I winced at the impact as something, an unknown feeling, slowly crept out of me.

"Just die already, chink," the four-eyed boy vulgarly suggested, "it'll make everyone very happy."

It was then, at this moment when I allowed the darkness—the sole reason for my existence, to finally be born.

"I'm sorry but for this day on, Ashe is expelled from Florence Nightingale Elementary School," Principal Rivera announced to Sister Olga, the cruelest hag at St. Augustine's Orphanage. "Violence is not tolerated here and I have spoken to Milford's parents. They agreed to not press charges or sue the school as long as Ashe is nowhere near the school's premises."

"I understand, Principal Rivera," said the petite, gray-haired middle-aged woman, trying to look shameful for my actions, which was punching Milford right in the face. "Please allow me to apologize to the Jetsons, on Ashe's behalf and I rest assured you that the sisters at St. Augustine's will give guidance to young Ashe here about how violence is never the right answer."

Shivers were sent down my spine as I felt those electric, evil blue eyes on me.

"Thank you. I will pass the message over to them and hope Ashe finds the guidance she needs," Rivera nodded, brightly smiling but is absolutely clueless like everyone else in the world, about the truth behind the doors of St. Augustine's.

"God will lead her in the right path," Sister Olga placed her hand on my shoulder, gripping it hard as I bit my inner cheek, masking the pain.

I knew once we're back at the orphanage... my punishment will result in death.

"Ashe, hey, you alright?"

I snapped out of the deep thoughts, turning my head to lock eyes with Dick's. "Uh, yeah, sorry. I was just thinking, that's all," I replied as we sat inside at some diner place, off the highway in Middleburg Heights, Ohio.

𝐑𝐄𝐃𝐄𝐌𝐏𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍, DICK GRAYSONWhere stories live. Discover now