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"Do you wanna talk about it?" Dick questioned, finally breaking the silence that filled the room in the last couple of minutes. He glanced over his bare shoulder where a healed scar resided as I snatched my shirt from the floor and threw it over my head.

"The sex? Sure, why not. It was great. A+ on performance," I replied with a smirk.

He lightly chuckled. "Not what I meant but okay."

"I knew what you meant but decided to go against since it is known that a percentage of guys tend to enjoy hearing about their performance after sex," I told him, running my fingers through my waist-length hair. It was getting too long for my liking; I should go cut it later.

"You think I belong in that percentage?"

"Maybe... or maybe not. Who knows?" I shrugged my shoulders as Dick put on a long-sleeve shirt before looking at me straight in the eyes. We held the stare for five seconds before my head turned around, preventing him to see the shade of red on my cheeks. "I should get going," I cleared my throat, "and get some sleep. We're leaving early tomorrow."

"Right," Dick softly muttered. "I think I'm gonna do one last check of the perimeter then turn in for the night."

Nodding, I stood up from the bed and headed towards the door. Just as I was about to exit, I felt a strong pull, followed by the taste of fresh mint. My composure stayed straight before perfectly molding into Dick's body.

My arms wrapped around his neck as I pulled him closer, enjoying the heat his body radiate. Dick deepened the kiss by slipping his tongue past my lips. Our tongue began to dance the tango, increasing our insatiable for each other.

Soon, Dick pulled back to rest his forehead against mine as we panted hard from the lack of oxygen. "Sorry, I couldn't resist. I didn't want you to leave here without a goodnight kiss," he muttered, gently caressing my cheek with his thumb. "And who knows how long I have to wait to taste these lips again."

"Interesting. I never pegged you as someone who still wants more after sex."

"There's a lot of things you still don't know about me, Young. I am filled with surprises."

"Likewise," I said to him, unhooking my arms and taking a step back. I placed my hand on the doorknob, twisting it before glancing over my shoulder. "Night, Grayson." And with that, I left and returned back to my room.

For five minutes straight, in complete silence, I sat on the bed with my legs vertically stretched out and the sword in my hands. As much as I want to regret tonight's event with Dick Grayson, I simply couldn't, especially when my whole body was filling up in happiness—the emotion that has been absent for the last twenty-three years.

Glancing down at the silver material, I read the inscription again—Akuma no sōzokujin. "You said I can be more than this, but the question is how. How can I be more than the destined future?" I uttered, still patiently waiting for the answer.

With a small sigh, I changed my position from sitting to supine. I closed my eyes, removing the endless thoughts about my imprisoned destiny as it was making the sides of my head throb in pain.

I was near the final stage of light sleep when the sound of thumping caused my eyes to flutter open. It was coming from the room next door—Dick's.

𝐑𝐄𝐃𝐄𝐌𝐏𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍, DICK GRAYSONWhere stories live. Discover now