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I couldn't stop recalling the memories from five years ago as it flashed in and out of my head, including the one where I comforted the man responsible for Jordan's death—Francis Cruz. I can still feel the wave of satisfaction when I pulled the trigger, lodging a bullet into his pathetic brain and marking it as my first kill in two years.

I hate to say this, but I loved every single bit of it and held no regrets.

"After we learned that you left, it wasn't long before every news station in the city went crazy when Francis Cruz and his men were found murdered. His family was the ones who discovered their bodies in the estate," Amelia's voice rang as I snapped out from the memories, glancing up to look at her.

"I guess you can say karma's a bitch," was all I could say.

She nodded in agreement. "I know. That bastard deserved it."

He certainly did, I thought.

Not only Cruz killed our friend, but he also did horrendous things over the years such as human trafficking, hiring assassins, enlisting young children for his underground empire, etc. The only reason why he became our target was because of an offshore account containing millions of dollars, which can bring down his entire operation and it did.

Sebastian was able to drain out the account and transfer the money into several offshore accounts we created. I'm not sure what he and Amelia did with their share, but I donated everything in my share to the orphanage where Jordan grew up in.

Unlike my scarring experience at St. Augustine's, his orphanage actually cared for the children. They tried their best to make sure each child grows up to be successful in the future especially the ones who are too old to be adopted. So, when I learned that they were foreclosing due to insufficient funds, I anonymously donated everything in my share.

"Were the police able to find who murdered him and his men?" I asked, bringing the beer bottle to my lips before I drank a sizeable amount. I was aware of the news of Francis Cruz's death spread nationwide but never got the opportunity to read the follow-up information.

"From what I can remember, I don't think so," Amelia answered, furrowing her brows together as she tried to remember. "The murder weapon was said to be found at the murder scene, but CSI failed to pull any fingerprints off it. I think the case is probably cold now."

"I see," I muttered and pursed my lips together. "Either way, he deserved it."

"Totally," she agreed, snatching a tortilla chip from the plate and taking a bite of it after she dipped it into the salsa. "I just wish we knew who the killer was so the families of his victims can say thank you."

Oh, you do, and the killer says you're welcome.

"So," I started off, straightening up in my seat, "anything else new in your life? Besides, the fact you're going to university to become a prosecutor. Honestly, you got the patience and guts to attend school for 7 years, Melia."

"Thanks. It's definitely a pain with the non-stop studying and stress, but it'll be rewarding in the end when I get to help those who unfortunately gets cheated on by our corrupt justice system," she explained to me.

"Always looking out for the little guy," I commented.

"Always," Amelia brightly smiled. "How about you? Anything I should know about?"

I shook my head, "Nothing new is happening in my life."

"Seriously? No exciting job or potential love life?" she inquired in shock, looking at me.

"I was a bartender, working at a crappy bar with a crappy boss and as for my love life, it is nonexistent since I don't believe in all of that love crap," I told her.

𝐑𝐄𝐃𝐄𝐌𝐏𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍, DICK GRAYSONWhere stories live. Discover now