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Everything comes at a price. Everything in one's life. It is an important question one must ask oneself if they are willing to sacrifice something of equal value.

In my case, I had no voice as the decision for my resurrection fell into the hands of a sadistic man whom I learned is my biological father. It is because of him, a part of my sanity broke as being submerged into the Lazarus Pit two weeks after death can have side-effects.

His people said the restoration to life woke up the monster hidden inside my sub-conscious, allowing Ra's al Ghul to complete a portion of his long-term plan—turning his youngest child into a blood-thirsty creature so she can inherit the title of Demon's Head in the far future.

"Traditionally, titles in the family tend to fall upon a male successor. However, in the past centuries, I failed to produce a viable successor. It is because of this bad luck, I came to a decision to produce another child whether it is a son or a daughter, he or she will be the one who shall be the next Demon's Head."

"Your people will never accept me, Father. I am a weak child who should've stayed dead," I said to him, expressing my concerns as it has been weeks since the resurrection and slow reconstruction of the broken sanity.

"Patience is the key, my dear Asura. When you reach of age, no one will dare to question your capabilities as the new Demon's Head. They will see my blood coursing through your veins," Ra's explained, smirking.

"What about my older sisters? They both have been wanting to obtain the title."

"Do not worry about them. Nyssa is losing her touch and Talia is becoming too arrogant," he answered, stepping towards me. "As you rise, your sister will have no choice but to serve you and if they don't, simply kill them."

"But, they are of my blood."

Ra's lightly laughed, placing his hand on my cheek. "It does not matter. A disciple should never disobey a master. Truth to be told, as of now, you are my only child but this depends on your answer to the question—do you want this once-in-a-lifetime offer?"

"Yes, I do," I accepted, not knowing that I would end up regretting it.

"Wow, your childhood was very intense," Gar muttered in shock after hearing every single detail of my story. "Wait, if you are the sole heir to the League of Assassin, then what are you doing here? Shouldn't you be with them?"

"I was the sole heir. That title is no longer mine," I explained, planting my hands into the pockets of my jacket. "About seven years ago, I hesitated during a mission which resulted in my death. I was meant to stay dead for good, but my older sister, Nyssa had other plans..."

"She brought you back to life," Rachel added as I pursed my lips, nodding. "Out of all the people there, she was the only one who wanted you to leave, not because of the inheritance... it was for your own safety."

"The longer you stayed dead, the worst side-effect you get."

"Out of curiosity, how many times were you killed?" Kory questioned.

"In a span of seven years, I've been killed five times. Four of them were my father," I answered, chewing the inside my cheek. "He thought it could make me a better assassin."

𝐑𝐄𝐃𝐄𝐌𝐏𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍, DICK GRAYSONWhere stories live. Discover now