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When we returned to the living room, Dick dropped the tracking device in Jason's hand while I swiftly snatched a beer from his other hand. A quick thank you came out of my mouth as I ambled over to the dinner table, twisting off the bottle's cap.

I brought the cold glass to my lips, allowing the brewed barley to flow into my mouth. The taste was different from the usual brand I buy but it's still good enough to rid the dryness that has been sitting in my throat for the last hour.

"Thanks for the help back there, but we're good now. You should head back to Gotham," Dick said to the new Robin, placing his jacket on the chair. He rolled down his left sleeve to hide the bandages before Kory and the kids' arrival.

With disbelief on his face, Jason looked down then up at the former Robin. "What the hell, man?" he uttered, "you didn't have to do that."

"Yeah, I did," Dick said, "and you should, too."


"Because we're not animals in Bruce Wayne's private zoo," he snapped, bitterly.

"You don't get it, man."

"Pretty sure, he does," I interjected, gesturing to the device in Jason's hand. "That tracking device simply tells you that he owes your ass—you're his weapon, safety net, whatever you wish to call it."

"You're wrong," Jason expressed, strongly. "He did it for him," he pointed a finger at Dick then at himself, "for us. In case anything ever happened, he could find us."

Dick ignored the young boy's answer. "Thanks for stopping by," he turned around, picking up the case on the far left and shoving it into Jason's arms. "Tell Bruce I'm gonna need the place for a couple of days. He should be okay with it."

I silently watched as Dick careened over to the elevator while Jason placed down the case, a sigh exhaled out from his mouth. "I'm not sure you really understand, man," he said.

"I think I'm the one guy in the world that does," Dick replied, pausing for a second. "Look, Jason, he might have you thinking that you're a partnership, but everything Bruce does is in the best interest of one person—Bruce."

I nodded, even though they couldn't see me.

Bruce Wayne may be a hero, but his methods are similar to Ra's. They forced young children to be a weapon for their own purpose, which is why it wasn't surprising to learn about my father's obsession with the 'playboy' billionaire. He was and still the perfect candidate to be the next Demon's Head.

"Time to go." Dick tilted his head, pressing on the elevator's button to open its door.

"Sorry, man. I can't," Jason shook his head, reaching into his jacket. He pulled out a folded, brown envelope and handed it over to Dick who showed no hesitation in accepting it. "He wanted me to show you these."

Inside the envelope were pictures of five individuals They were spread out on the coffee table as we sat on the couch, examining them. I noticed the change in Dick's facial expression upon seeing them, which lead to my conclusion that he knew them.

"How did you get these?" Dick asked.

"They were sent to the Gotham PD addressed to 'Robin'," Jason answered while I got a closer look at the picture. It was gruesome and something I never saw before. Half of the victims' face was burned off by a chemical agent. "Whoever sent them thinks you're still Robin."

𝐑𝐄𝐃𝐄𝐌𝐏𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍, DICK GRAYSONWhere stories live. Discover now