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It turned out the long-awaited reunion between dear old friends was extremely uncomfortable and awkward. From what Rachel saw through her abilities, our very own detective slept with the pretty blonde then shattered her heart, which didn't sit well with her current boyfriend, Hank who clearly has anger issues.

"How do you and Dick know each other?" Dawn asked out of curiosity as we stood inside a local market in the neighborhood. "He didn't say much yesterday except you're here to help with Rachel and her situation."

"We met like a month ago," I replied, grabbing a bar of dark chocolate from the metal shelves. "I was running from the police when I accidentally broke into his apartment."

"Why were you running from the police?"

"I did something illegal."

"You're a criminal?"

"If you want to be technical, then sure."

Dawn slowly nodded, not looking surprised at the fact. Her reaction was the complete opposite of what people tend to respond when they realize a criminal is standing next to them in close proximity or better yet, staying under their roof.

"Anyway, I owed him a favor and he cashed it in, two nights ago," I ended the short and vague story on how Dick Grayson came into my life. "Truth to be told, I didn't expect him to ask for my help. I mean, why get help from someone like me?"

"Like you? What do you mean by that?" the blonde displayed a confused face.

"Broken. My upbringing wasn't the best," I admitted, biting down my lower lip.

"Is that why you agreed to help Rachel? You don't want her to go through what you experienced as a kid," Dawn pointed out as I blinked twice, not realizing that what she just said maybe the reason why I said yes to Dick. "My advice to you is don't lose hope, Ashe. Everyone, including yourself, can be saved. You just need to let people in."

"I'm afraid I can't do that, Dawn. The last thing I want is for them to be in my life," I told her, running my fingers through my hair. "In this world and possibly in the afterlife, wherever I go or do, it will only bring nothing but pain. Having people there will make them leave in a second without a look back."

Dawn stayed silent, taking in my words. She understood them, I know she did from the looks of her body language but is too scared to acknowledge it.

"Not all people can be saved, Dawn. It is their curse. They will crash and burn in the end. The only thing you can do is stay away from them when it happens."

Rachel's voice soon appeared behind us. We turned around to see the young teen with a handful of snacks. "Hey Ashe, is it alright if I get these?" she flashed a smile then dropped it when she took note of the tension between us. "Did something happened while I was gone?"

"No, nothing happened. We're just talking, that's all," I glanced over to the blonde who nodded, smiling. "Come on, let's go and pay for these. We'll meet you outside," I said to Dawn before we walked to the front section of the market where the cashiers are.

It wasn't long until we arrived back to the apartment.

"Like the second to last one," Rachel answered as she and Dawn have been talking about Game of Thrones during the whole walk back.

𝐑𝐄𝐃𝐄𝐌𝐏𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍, DICK GRAYSONWhere stories live. Discover now