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I zoned out, staring into the mirror as I put the finishing touches on my make-up. Jonathon had been so sweet the past few weeks. Spending time with him was simple and easy. He seemed a little shy, never stepping out of line. Maybe he was a little scared. It was clear he hadn't talked to many girls.

He didn't have the confidence that Jake did, he would never be as forward as him. That made me happy because even though I was trying hard to like him, it just wasn't the same as it was with Jake. He was a sweet guy and all, but there wasn't any passion, no intensity. At least he distracted me from the thoughts that constantly invaded my mind. I missed having Jake's arm around me and feeling his kiss on my neck. "Don't go down that road again," I told myself, "he doesn't want you like that." I kept reminding myself that no matter how badly I wanted him, if we couldn't be all the way, then we couldn't be anything.

I wished that Jonathon could have gone to the party with us that night. Jenny and Trip would be on top of each other all night and I would just be a third wheel. I heard a horn sound, signaling that Jenny had arrived. Grabbing my bag and a jean jacket, I headed out the door. Jenny and Trip were in the front seat together, so I jumped in the back. Two seconds in and I already felt like the odd man out.

As we drove away, my phone buzzed. I figured it was Jonathon telling me he wished he could have come. Nope, it was Jake, "Hey Baby, what are you doing tonight?" Why did I still get butterflies every time I saw a text from him? I had to stay strong.

"Nothing, off to a party."

He took a moment to respond, I could tell he wasn't happy about that information.

"With Jonathon?"

"No, Jake, he's not going, it's just me, Jenny and Trip" I shot back. Why didn't this boy know what he was doing to me?

"Let me come pick you up," he insisted. "Be strong, Sky," I told myself. I wished he could pick me up and we could go to a quiet spot. Fighting with myself, I decided that I had to stick to my guns.

"Jake, you know that's not good for either of us," I replied.

Another pause, I wasn't sure how he would respond.

"You cannot tell me he makes you feel like I do. There isn't a chance in hell that he kisses you the way I do." He was right, one thousand percent right, no one could kiss me the way he did.

"Your right Jake, but he can sit in a restaurant with me in the light of day," I bit back. He didn't reply, and I knew why. I decided it was better to just leave the conversation there. If I kept texting him like that, I would have given in and I just couldn't allow myself to do that.

When we arrived, the party was in full force. It looked like the entire school was there. The Jock's were playing a game of corn hole by the fire, sticking to themselves as usual. Everyone else was just mulling around and mingling with a red solo cup in their hand. Sooner than even I expected Jenny approached me.

"Sky, we're taking a quick drive, will you be okay for a few minutes?"

I knew that would happen. They would find one of the secluded spots around the river, make out for an eternity and I would be all alone.

"Jenny, are you kidding me? What am I supposed to do while you're gone?" I said, trying to give her a well-deserved guilt trip. She shot me a sympathetic glance.

"Sky, you'll be fine, we will only be a few minutes. Besides, Tripp knows this guy Asher, and he said he will keep you company so you won't have to wait by yourself."

It wasn't like I had a choice. Besides, who was I to deny Jenny a few minutes of alone time with her man?

"Fine Jenny, go suck face," I finally relented. With a look of elation on her face, she gave me a quick kiss on the cheek.

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