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I wasn't the only one staring in anticipation, as I looked to my side, Jenny and Tag were doing the exact same thing. We shot each other questioning glances hoping one of us might actually know what the heck is going on. It only took a second to figure out that we were all equally confused.

A disturbing silence had fallen over the entire room. You could hear a single a sigh in a room packed full of people. It was clear to everyone, that whatever Jake was about to say was important and we were all dying to find out what it was.

Jake took a moment to survey the room and when he was done his eyes returned to mine where they stayed for the duration of his speech. The intensity in his eyes made the peach fuzz on my neck stand on end. Clearing his throat, he began.

"What I would like to offer you tonight is a confession and an apology. I have kept a low profile for a while and many of you have wondered and inquired about what has been going on. Tonight, I am happy to tell you that I have been spending time with the most amazing person I have ever known. She has accepted me, unconditionally, even when I couldn't do the same for her. I have been waiting a long time to say these words out loud, in front of anyone who will listen. I am madly, deeply, insanely in love with Skylar Rain Jones. Sky, I am sorry it took me so long but I am ready now, no more secrets. And to whoever our new Prom Queen will be, I am sure that you are lovely but the only girl I will be dancing with tonight is my girl."

Every word he spoke seemed to be in slow motion, it was if every cell in my body had frozen in place. I was trying to process the words I had just heard but my brain couldn't catch up.

Jenny intertwined her arms in mine and I was glad that she did because without her support I would probably have been passed out on the floor in the middle of prom like an absolute idiot. I would have forever been known as the girl that passed out because the Prom King told her he loved her. That sounded about right, my luck being what it is. 

Even while all of this played out in my mind my eyes stayed locked on Jake's, they never wavered. I could see the panic beginning to form on his face, he couldn't read me and I didn't blame him, I could not read myself.

The constant gasps broke me out of my trance and it was then that I realized that an entire room full of judgmental teenagers were staring directly at me. They were staring me up and down, asking without saying a word, how he could possibly be interested in me.

I shot a frantic look to Jenny, the tears were beginning to wail up and I knew that soon the dam would break. It was all too much for me to handle, the confession, the critical eyes fixed on me. I turned around and began to run toward the door.

Just before I reached it, I felt Jake grab my arm and pull me back. Turning around, I found myself face to face with the man who had just professed his love for me in front of the entire school.

I was hyper-aware of the stares that never relented but I could not tear my eyes away from his. Searching them, I was desperately hoping to make sense of what just happened.

I pulled my arm away, "Let me go, Jake, I have to get out of here."

"Why," he asked, his voice starting to break.

"Let's see, you just told the entire world that you love me. Literally everyone is staring at me and I don't know what to do with any of this. I need to think, " I attempted to explain.

His resolve was just as strong as when he was on stage a few moments before.

"What these people think does not matter, you taught me that. And as far as what I said, you have been wanting for me to say that forever and I have been waiting to say it. Please don't leave, stay with me."

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