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As I walked toward the front door, I could hear her screaming inside.

At first, I could not make out the actual words but just before I opened the door I heard her say, "How fucking long, tell me, you owe me that much?"

I took in a deep breath and held it to steady myself. When I turned the knob, I could feel my hands shaking.  As soon as the door opened completely they both turned to look at me. While I did not regard my fathers stare, hers burned into me.

She was silent for a moment and then she began, "You knew about this didn't you?" she shouted at me venomously.

"I don't know what you are talking about mom," I replied, looking her straight in the eye. I had never been able to do that before but this was different, I willed myself not to look away. She took a step toward me and I took a step back.

"Don't you play games with me you little shit," she spat at me. I squared my shoulders to steady myself, I did all I could to look brave from the outside but I was trembling inside.

"Mom, why are you here?" I questioned.

She stared at me with pure hatred in her eyes, "Don't you question me, I will beat you till your nose bleeds." I knew in my heart that she meant that but I had to be brave, I had to make my stand.

She took another step toward me and I blurted out as sternly as I could, "Why don't you just leave mom, dad asked you not to come back here."

Even as the words left my mouth, I knew I had pushed her too far. She took one final step toward me, throwing her hand back as he lunged forward. I pulled my hand back and just before her arm swung toward me, I landed my hit.

My fist landed squarely on her jaw, dazing her momentarily. It was immediately obvious that I had never hit anyone before because I felt like I had broken my hand. I should have had Jake show me how to throw a punch.

Once she regained her composure she grabbed me by my shirt and threw me to the ground. My head hit the ground first, and it hit hard. The pain immediately spread through the back of my head and I winced.

She was coming towards me, trying to overtake me when I finally found my last ounce of courage. I threw my arms up, stiff-arming her in the chest and shoving her to the side and off of me.

"Looks like its time to teach you a lesson," she shouted so intensely that her spit showered me.

The fear was starting to overtake me and I returned to what I knew, I became a useless coward once again. The only thing I seemed to be able to control was my voice.

Throwing my arms in front of my face, I screamed back at her, "Get off of me." She looked at me with wild eyes, daring me to say another word in defiance of her. I screamed once more, "Get off!"

"Oh, you think you are tough, you little bitch," she screamed, an inch from my face and I could feel her hot, nasty breath.

I turned my head to avoid it and because her being that close to my face was making my entire body cringe. It was then that I felt something crash into the side of my head. I had no idea what it was but it was hard and when it made an impact, it shattered.

The blood instantly began to trickle down the side of my face. I could feel the warm liquid, slowly dripping. My dad was still in the room, just sitting on the sofa and I looked up at him with desperate eyes.

"Please, help me," I begged him but his only response was to get up and leave the room. I watched as he turned his back and walked away, fully aware that she might just kill me this time.

The next shot brought me back to reality, she punched me in the face, her fist perfectly hugging the indention of my eye socket.

That one really hurt and I screamed out at her, "Stop it, leave me alone!"

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