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Jenny and I were getting ready to go to the party. Despite my constant protesting, I fought the urge to get excited. It had been so long since I had been out and done anything fun, maybe it wouldn't be so bad.

She heard that Jake would be there, and that made me nervous. We would be at the same party, at the same time. I wondered what he might think when he saw me there. Even though I wanted to be with him, watching him from afar would have to be enough.

Tripp kept texting Jenny and I couldn't help but feed off of her excitement. I loved seeing a smile on my best friend's face. It made me happy. At one point she was staring at her phone, grinning like a fool and I couldn't help myself so I asked her.

"So Jenny, does Tripp give you butterflies and all the feels?" She thought about it for a moment and had a curious look on her face.

"Well, if I am being honest, no but he is fun to hang around with." That shocked me, I thought she was into him.

"What about you? Does Jonathon do anything for you or does Jake still have your heart?" She asked curiously, but I was certain that she already knew the answer.

"Jonathon's sweet but he doesn't make me feel like Jake does. When that boy kisses me I swear the room spins." She giggled and rolled her eyes. I was in too deep with this guy.

With such a wonderful week on my heels, I wanted to let my hair down and maybe catch Jake's eye. I wanted to do my hair, paint my face and make myself feel as beautiful as possible.

Jenny and I spent an hour and a half getting ready. After ransacking her closet, I found the perfect outfit. The jeans were ankle length and fit like a glove. The top was black and hung off my shoulders, falling in one long ruffle to my waist. The best part was my shoes. They were black high heels with two simple straps around my ankle and one across my toe.

Thinking about it now, they were not the best option for a river party. They looked amazing though, so I risked it. That outfit made me feel tall and lean and as much as I hate to admit it, beautiful.

Feeling beautiful was foreign to me. It was something that I have always admired in other girls, their classic elegance. I had always known I could never possess it. I see how guys look at them with their jaws hanging and wish that someone would look at me that way. Well, maybe, just maybe, tonight will be that night.

I finished with matte red lipstick and black eyeliner, keeping my hair pin-straight and sleek. Jenny also loaned me some gorgeous hoop earrings. They pulled the whole outfit together. Looking in the mirror, I hoped that he would like it.

Jenny looked gorgeous as usual. 
Even though we both stayed under the radar at school, she had always been so beautiful. I was certain some boy would realize that and snag her up for good.

Jenny got a text from Tripp asking us to meet them at the river. We said our goodbyes to her mom and headed out for the evening. Before we left Mrs. Christy shot me a wink and reminded me that God had set me apart for a purpose. She finished with a sweet kiss on my forehead and a hug that made my heart feel full.

It was crazy how every party in town took place at either someone's house or the river. There wasn't much for kids to do, so we kept migrating to the same old places.

Luckily, everyone was usually low key and no-one had ever gotten hurt. That kept the parental population at bay. As we pulled up, we saw Tripp and Jonathon leaning against a truck and Jenny whipped in beside them.

A bonfire was roaring and people were around it, a common sight. 
The make-shift benches surrounding it played host to couples. They snuggled up to each other, enjoying the warmth radiating from the flames. There is something about a fire and music that is so inviting, it draws you in. It seems almost magical.

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