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The next few weeks were a blur. I woke up at Jenny's on Saturday morning to her mom busting in the door.

"Rise and shine girls, we have a busy day ahead of us," she said with way too much enthusiasm for 8:00 am.

Groggily, I picked my head up and stared at Jenny, telepathically asking her if her mom had lost her mind. Jenny stared right back at me, wondering the same thing herself. It was Saturday morning, what the heck was she talking about?

We had plans to sleep in and have a generally lazy day, whatever she was referring to, was not on the agenda. She opened the drapes and the blinds, letting the sunshine in and we immediately covered our faces as if the glare literally scorched us.

"Get yourselves up and dressed, we are leaving in an hour and we have lots of shopping to do," she finally revealed. Shopping?

"What are you rambling about mom?" Jenny finally inquired.

"Time to get prom ready my babies." 

In my half asleep state, it dawned on me what she had just said and I began my protest, "Mrs. Christy, thank you but I am fine, really."

She just glared at me with a look that screamed, "Why are you even trying to argue this Sky, just give up now!"

What she actually said was, "Sky, have you been prom shopping already?"

I shook my head no and she replied, "Then, it's settled then, we are going and that is final!"

Knowing there was no use in continuing the debate any further, I answered the only way I could, "Yes Mam."

Jenny and I pulled ourselves out of the bed and after about forty-five minutes of primping and scarfing down some yummy pancakes, we were actually ready to go. We drove about an hour and twenty minutes away to the Jacksonville Beach area.

That seemed odd to me at first but Mrs. Christy explained, "We don't want anyone else showing up in the same dresses as you girls, we have got to put a little distance to make sure we get the best selection."

We finally pulled up in front of an adorable boutique. Walking in, my eyes surveyed the thousands of dresses. Every style and every color was present. If you couldn't find it in that store, you couldn't find it anywhere.

In the middle of the store was a long runway surrounded by mirrors, it looked like a Hollywood Red Carpet. I was amazed, I had never shopped in a place like that, Walmart was more my style.

We looked through so many dresses and finally, Jenny and I had about ten choices each to try on. That may not seem like a lot but it wasn't easy getting in and out of those dresses. They even assigned an attendant to go in the dressing rooms with us.

Jenny went first and Mrs. Christy and I waited in comfy chairs for her to make her grand entrance. While we were waiting, my phone buzzed.

"Hey baby, what are you up to today?"

It was Jake, his texts and the uncomfortable encounters had continued over the past few weeks. Even though each and every contact with him tore at my heart, I willed myself to be strong. I would not let him hurt me again.

"I am not your baby Jake, and I am dress shopping," I quickly replied.

"You have my complete attention, what exactly are you dress shopping for?" he inquired. I had never officially given him an answer about prom. 

I guess there was no time like the present, "I am shopping for Prom."

Even though I couldn't see him, I knew in my heart he was doing a happy dance on the other end of the phone.

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