Chapter 4:Best guy friend?

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Well Joe was my friend in need. I got stood by chickenpox and he kept me company.Whenever I was sad he said things to cheer me up.He was kinda motivational and I liked that.He was stupid though.He thought that if people tagged him in posts it meant that they liked him.😑

Whatever might have been the case I soon grew too attached to him.Not a day passed by when I didn't talk to him.Finally the day came when he broke up with his girlfriend.He texted me a lot but I was unavailable.

When I later found out I comforted him(or tried to as I was a very bad motivator). I guess it worked for a while but he was heartbroken.It breaks me to see people with broken hearts and so I was determined to mend him.

I never knew my plans would backfire so badly.We grew closer sharing a lot of stuff we had never shared before and it was a relief sharing my burden.Little did I know I made him develop feelings for me.

It was 3am.He was a great fan of Manchester United and was up till late watching some match.Having absolutely no idea in football I was good at giving him company with the occasional emojis when he screamed "goallllll".

He soon became kinda weird and started sending me hearts and stuffs.Initially I thought it was just some best friend stuff but later I realized it was a fucking proposal! I felt honoured as this was the 1st guy who fell for me as mostly it was the other way round.😂

I was happy but I thought it would be best to give it some time and I went to sleep with a leaping heart.

I was happy but I thought it would be best to give it some time and I went to sleep with a leaping heart

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"Hi"- I said already regretting the fact that I had tuition.

"Wanna see a really cool meme?"-popped Ryan.

"Yeah sure"- I said and rushed off to tuition.

I couldn't concentrate on a single thing the entire evening and I felt like my head would explode.What was happening to me?

I got home and immediately opened the chat room.Seeing his message my head slowly started numbing and I began to feel things again.This weird turn of events really shook me up.

I was too embarrassed to tell these stuff to Anna so I pretended to be ok.But the fact was..I was depressed. With the shitty way in which Nick was behaving I needed to talk to someone,to rely on someone. Mostly I needed someone to trust.

I figured I would test Ryan. That night I opened up to him and told him a lot of things I never told anyone except Nick. I realized I could trust him.

He wasn't a popular guy so I wasn't afraid of rumours spreading.Besides he was mature and understanding and his words had a soothing effect on me.

He cheered me up when I was crying and made my tears dry up so quick,I half thought he was an incarnation of god-working a miracle on me.

It was pretty much an enjoyable phase of my life and I soon started tagging him in posts on Facebook and he replied real quick.The best friend tag was just days away.

I'm not really pretty and most guys who talk to me talk to me either because of Anna or because they want to sext.

While dealing with the sunshine of Ryan I faced a lot of hurdles.Managing my school,my rank,my parents, my love life,it was too much pressure.

The only good thing that happened at the end of the day was that Ryan was mostly online till late at night and I could talk to him.

I did that a lot and my priorities changed.From just a random friend in Facebook he turned out to be my best guy friend.

From just a random friend in Facebook he turned out to be my best guy friend

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Heya lovelies😊😊😊 Hope you enjoyed this chapter.If you did,don't forget to vote and comment andddd plz keep reading😘

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