Chapter 11: Friendship vs love

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That night I texted Joe.

"I think we should break up".

"What?Plz stop joking..plz come r u saying right now?"

"I'm sorry but I can't deal with u."

"No no no no.."

*Blocked*(in Instagram)

Now that's one little job done.

I felt at peace. I don't blame myself. I gave him a chance. He misused it.Not once.Twice.
Karma just hit you Joe.

I later found out he had been telling everyone that I broke up within 10 hours and I was some sort of a player who accepted his request only for cheap popularity.

I admired his confidence in his character and his 'toad face' which of course he thought was handsome. How could he not see that he wasn't a hot guy with admirable qualities?

I felt even more disgusted by him. I texted Anna.

"Hey ur comp book is with me."
"Idc..wipe ur ass with it."

I laughed surprised at myself for not shedding a single tear for Joe.Did I ever love him? Was he only a crush I mistook for love?


"Umm..I uh..broke up."

"Fuck y?"

"I umm..can't deal with him anymore.And u saw how he behaved today as if I'm his prize or something and well he is too horny for my like.."

"I'm happy u finally removed that blind from ur eyes and saw how ugly he was.He was so freaking old."

"Hey it's not just the looks.It's everything about him."

"Whatever but he is ugly."

"Yeah but the thing is that I hated the way he touched me."

"Yeah but the fact is he is ugly and old."

"And he was too dominating over me."

"Yeah and he was ugly."

"Oh for fuck's sake I know he is ugly."

"That's my girl😊"

I gave up.It was impossible to argue with Anna. I was thankful to have a supportive best friend like her who made me laugh whenever I was sad and could turn any serious conversation to a comedy.

Anna-"So what say..wanna sext tonight?"


"Me babe"

"Oh yes sure 😂"

"Time for a massage.Free coupons for u..lie down straight on the bed please."

"I'm sorry I'm really not in the mood right babe ❤"

"Whatever gn."

I had the best sleep I've had in months that night.


Ryan-"How about I think about this and give u an answer after my exams.. I need time to settle my whirlpooling heart.."

Me-"yeah plz don't let it affect ur exam..My timing was shitty.. I'm sorry".

"It's ok..bye.."

He didn't talk to me for an entire week. I saw him coming online but gave myself the excuse that it was his exam week and that's why he wasn't texting me.

But the day his exams ended, he still didn't text me. I was scared and I thought our friendship was over.I called him that night at around 1am.

Me-"hey how did your exams go?"

Ryan-"as what were you upto these days?"

"Just missing you bestie."

We talked about random stuff and I again laughed at his stupid but hilarious jokes until I brought up the topic that was uppermost in both of our minds.

Me-"So..did you think about it?"

Ryan-"umm..I actually didn't get the time."

"Well so what do you think?"

"You know I gave Selena her favourite book today and she was really happy and hugged me."

"Wow that's great.I'm so happy for you", I said with a broken but happy heart.

"But I want to leave her because I like you so much."

I remained quiet while my heart lurched and I felt like I would faint.

"No..don't do that. I know you love her.Forget I ever told you anything.Please don't leave her."

"It's so hard to choose between you two.."

"Forget me Ryan.Im sorry.I'm just your best friend.Nothing else."

"I know how you feel.. I'm sorry".

"It's ok..let's talk about something else."

We talked till 3am until finally he told me he was sleepy and hung up.

I cried the remaining of the night.



Well...what was your worst breakup like?😂😂 Did you ever date someone ugly and horny and then regret your decisions?What was your confession like?Do let me know in the Comments section.If you are liking this story..dont forget to vote.


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