Chapter 22:Stronger

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Men are assholes.

You cannot trust men.You simply cannot.You can say "oh he's my friend" and he's gonna treat you to a really nice restaurant with expensive meals and then later on say you loved him because of his money.

Ryan-"A whore to pimp for her money".

I didn't know what to say because I was so done with him.

Joe was in a different level altogether.

"All you can do is flaunt your big boobs and brag about them and sex chat with random men".

I didn't even know where these were coming from but it was ok.

Things like this happen to everyone I suppose. I was basically feeling nothing at all.It's this weird feeling when you don't feel anything and you don't want to talk to anyone.

Men always want to be in control.They hate it when someone proves to be better than them and then they resort to abuse and other means.

I repeat.Men are assholes.And boy you get tired dealing with assholes.But then,slowly it all becomes ok and you see things in a different light.You start enjoying life again.

Joe,Ryan and some others including my childhood best friend all went to great extents to humiliate me and insult me.

Initially I got depressed but then later on I had a good mind to just show them the middle finger and maybe give them a tiny little kick in the groin.We can always dream..If you wanna stab me in the back you might as well kiss my ass too.

But instead I wished for their happiness and ignored them.They weren't even worth my time and I wasn't going to waste my precious time for them.

One's dignity maybe assaulted, vandalized and cruelly mocked, but it can never be taken away unless it is surrendered

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One's dignity maybe assaulted, vandalized and cruelly mocked, but it can never be taken away unless it is surrendered.

Wow. I was happy with myself.Ok I admit just for a second I had suicidal thoughts but I handled it pretty well.Bloody hell. I am a warrior.

I have this theory.People talk to me like I'm a really important person.They text me all the time and I feel special and soon after about a week they grow tired and the texts stop coming. Then the ignore game begins. I faced this with so many people I turned it into a law.Katie's law.

Noone except Anna lasted.Thats why she is my bestie.

Nobody in this world stops for you.You are in it alone. Maybe a guy/girl you like? You like her only because you didn't get her yet.Once you get her,you will get bored and you will break up.

This is the truth.This is life.

I was done thinking about Ryan and Joe.They were assholes and they would always remain assholes. I couldn't change them.

They didn't respect women and no women would ever respect them. I bloody cursed them.I just hoped my words would take action someday.

Karma's a bitch after all.

People call me a slut..a whore..a pornstar..and I stare at the sky and wonder what I've ever even done. I just wanted peace and I got war.

Life is so unfair.But at least someone gave me Anna.

Among my priorities I got Anna,my sister and well...a few random brothers who supported me in times of crisis.

But even then some of my trusted friends betrayed me. 21st century is not a century of civilized humans but snakes.Unless you are careful, you will be struck by a snake so hard that it becomes fatal or worse,you will become a snake.

We must all look for things that make us happy.My family was shitty,my friends even shittier,but people face so much worse.

At least we weren't war struck and everyone was alive. We weren't poverty stricken and we were all fit as a fiddle.

We must learn to be happy with whatever comes to us and be cool about everything.Worrying only makes you sad and keeps you at tenterhooks.

You don't even need friends if they keep betraying you. You need something that makes you happy and boom.

You are happy.And well if you are a bit depressed....punch a pillow,smash a glass,cry but don't be the person your enemies are anxious for you to become.

The world breaks everyone, and afterward, some are strong at the broken places.

Everyone will try to pull you down but you must remain strong.Because you are better than them.Prove the difference between them and you,kill people with kindness.
You cannot stoop down to their level,can you?

 You cannot stoop down to their level,can you?

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So..did you get motivated? If you vote and yourself.


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