Chapter 19: Bittersweet revenge

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Crush.It's a beautiful term to express the state of the heart on seeing someone you like.It crushes. Not in pain definitely but in excitement and anticipation.

And the best part?You can choose how to go through with it.You can stop liking that person or you can perform the terrifying act of saying those 3 dangerous words.

The fears we don't face become our limits.You should never cry for someone who killed your smile.Feelings are visitors,let them come and go. Judge if you want..we are all going to die someday anyway

Joe forgot me.Really soon. News of his new target came to me without even asking for it and I was so happy for him. He would finally leave me alone.

I suspected he wanted to make me feel jealous and that's what he tried to do. I ignored him.Again.I was too busy dealing with my own shit.

There was no news from Ryan.He had become history. I had no more expectations and I didn't care anymore. I knew I was dreaming the impossible and I needed to stop doing that. I needed to grow up.

The year was quickly ending and soon it'd be new year. I looked back at all the things that happened laughing at some,and crying at some.

People cry on different lines.Some cry when they are happy and mostly people cry when they are sad or upset.

I cried for both and thought about all the times I hurt someone or made someone cry.

My mom for example always wanted me to succeed.But her problem was that she was too demanding and forceful which I didn't like.As a result I was spiteful and the worst daughter imaginable.

But the day I saw my mother cry because of my harsh words, I was speechless. Maybe she was right after all. Maybe I was really a bitch.

But people can't be changed and after a few days I resumed my normal tantrums and mood swings.

All the while I never once stopped studying because at the end of the day,your grades are what matters.

All the while I never once stopped studying because at the end of the day,your grades are what matters

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I was shocked.Was I seeing correct?

I love you????

I stood transfixed for a few minutes staring at my phone and then sent the most normal text ever-'what?'

I thought he was probably messing me up but who tries to joke at 4am?Why was he awake anyway?

I grew excited.

"No no no it wasn't supposed to be sent."

I looked at my phone and sighed.He must have been ashamed.

I felt the butterflies arising from the cocoon in my stomach.Fuck.I wanted to cry out in happiness.Did he finally admit he loved me?

Was this one of his jokes? I didn't know what to reply so I kept quiet.

That night I texted him.


"Thinking of taking cyanide.. my results went crap."

"It's ok..calm down."

"It's hard."

"I love you too."

"Gimme some time..I'll think about it."

What the utter fuck??????He was the one who said the words. I imagined myself slapping him.

No no no Katie..calm down.

"Ok take ur pressure 😊"

"U r sexy u know?"


"Yeah bitch 😘"

I sensed something was wrong.Totally wrong.But I willed myself to believe in him.He was just kidding.This was normal.Its ok.People in love call each other bitches. Ok this sounded really absurd but whatever.


"Yeah bitch 😘"

The bitch was a bit disturbing but I tried to ignore it.

"So are we dating now?"

"I guess."

" u wanna meet?"

"Yeah but u won't like the place much."

"Must be some bar then."

"Yeah you know the bar near the mall?"

"Yeah but I don't think I can make it."

"Knew it..u know nothing about these stuff."

And then we went on a long conversation about weed and smoking which I half didn't understand and was the least interested.

Soon it was 3am.

"I hate to say this but I'm really sleepy and I gotta go..sorry", I said.

"You are crazy to have stayed up for so long btw."


"Bye bitch..plz don't tell anyone this but..would u like to be my bitch?"

I had a really really bad feeling about this.Something didn't feel right.This wasn't how boys in love texted.Even he for that matter was much better than this. I felt so disgusted by the way he was speaking.

But I was still madly in love with him and this was a dream come true.


"Bye love you."

"I love you too."

I closed my phone ignoring the pain in my heart. I kept repeating.

"It's gonna be okay Katie..everything is ok."

The next morning I found out Ryan had blocked me.

The next morning I found out Ryan had blocked me

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Do you feel for Katie? Do you think Ryan is an asshole? Who is the worst character according to you? Do vote and comment.


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