Chapter 20:A devil in disguise

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A kind hand on your shoulder,a loving smile,a hand to hold on to when you are scared..a dad is a blessing.

Or not.

My dad is does not seem to be my biological dad.He's a kid.He's a jerk.He's a big asshole.

He is inhuman.He doesn't know how to react in situations.He thinks women are stupid and most importantly he thinks my mom is the biggest and dumbest woman in the planet.

My mom doesn't protest much because she wants wants me to study in a peaceful environment.But things are not so easy.

He watches movies the whole day with blaring loudspeakers and I have to struggle so hard to concentrate with my already distracted mind.

My mom wanted me to go to a boarding school far away so that I could study in peace and did not have to face his wrath or his absolutely disgusting masochistic behaviour.

But at that time I was with Joe and he insisted on me coming to his school so I made her get me admitted there.

I regretted my decisions so much and I hated myself for letting Joe take control of my life but later on I enjoyed high school.

My dad kept abusing my mom,my sister,me and we all tried to keep quiet for the sake of the family but what kind of a family was this?

I believe I don't have a dad.

When I think of my dad I feel  he is the biggest reason why I resent men so much.

The atmosphere is toxic and I feel like killing my dad everytime I see him.He has no feelings at all.

When my mom was sick and vomitting her heart out,my sister and I ran around her like crazy while he ate and watched movies.

Later on he told my mom to make him a good breakfast in the morning and went to sleep.

The longer I stayed in this house,the worse I'd become.I was becoming moodier day by day and I couldn't control my anger.

I wasn't built to behave.If you tell me what to do I'll do the opposite.I was going out of control.


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I punched the wall, cried, hammered the walls,cried texted Anna and cried.

Why did he do that?What happened?Where did I go wrong?Did I say something wrong?What was my fault?

I couldn't figure it out and I asked Joe to befriend him so that he could find out the reason.

Later on Joe told me Ryan took a revenge on me as he believed I befriended Selena so that I could sabotage their relationship.

I didn't know what to say. I was busy with my exams and didn't even get time to touch my phone.He had the audacity and the confidence to cook up a story like this.

He even added that I had made a collage of him and me with tiny little hearts and I had sent it to him.

I don't know why but this made me laugh.He portrayed me as this desperate,weird sort of girl who was totally crazy.

I tried to ignore this and move on with a lurching heart believing that he loved me but he was ashamed to admit it.

I was the biggest fool there could ever be.

Anna supported me a lot and I was really grateful to have a friend like her.

I drank vinegar because I had no alcohol in the house.It tasted really yucky at first but it helped me to stop thinking about him.

I became crazy.. bit by bit..I started being more frank,telling people outright that I hated them or that they were ugly.

It gave me a weird sense of satisfaction.I made a fool of myself because I knew I would never get someone like Ryan again.

Maybe I had turned seriously crazy.

Maybe I had turned seriously crazy

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What up people?Enjoying the story so far? Do you think you are crazy and noone understands you? Believe me we all feel the same.What matters is how you deal with each situation.


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