Chapter 17:Love and war

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It sort of became my mantra.

Humans are fragile creatures made up of broken hearts and broken promises.We tend to hide our true feelings and keep them bottled inside all the while regretting our decisions but then,it's best for the society.

Everyone of us want to be the best.We look at the people accomplished in their chosen way of life and gawk at their glory,praying for success like them.The celebrities on red carpets,eversmiling before the camera is our envy.We desperately wait for the day when we become as famous or as successful as them.

Even for adolescents,it's not only the film stars that attract them,it's their fellow classmates. There'll always be a topper of the class who is the teacher's pet and who always knows the answers to the questions asked.He/she seems to be from a different social strata and the others tend to maintain a distance.

Being a topper isn't easy.Kids dream of being a topper.Some of them give up,thinking it's not for them,the toppers are extremely talented people and they can never be as good as them.Some of them on the other hand,take it to their mind that they are much better than the topper and if they compete with vigour they can be at the top.

I've faced both type of people and heard cliché comments like "oh she says she doesn't study but she must have spent the entire day studying." This is not true.At all.

Well some of the toppers may be like that,crazy for knowledge always hungry for books but I've never been a person like that.

I like to do different things all the time and I try to be the best at what I do.Its not talent,it's pure will power and the ability to think that you are better than everyone else even though you aren't.

It works.Most of the time.


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Another lie.For Ryan.But I believed it was worth it. Everyone lies at some point of time and I justified myself by repeating he would be worth it.

I arrived in front of the mall at precisely 7:30am and texted him.

"Where r u?"

"At home..god u r punctual."

"Would u plz get up and come here?I have to be back home by 8."

"If u r in a hurry u can leave..I'll take time to come."

"R u coming or not?"

I threw my phone in the basket of my cycle in frustration. I had to be back home by 8 and he needed at least 15 mins to get ready and then 20 mins to come to the mall if he was cycling.

But I waited for him.The minutes seemed like hours and people were staring at me..a girl standing alone with her cycle staring into space so early in the morning.

I saw him at 8:06am cycling past me and I had to shout for him to stop.He stood awkwardly in front of me gasping for breath and I offered him water which he ignored straightaway.

"So I wanted to show u something."

He started looking for something in his phone and finally came up with a message from my sister.

"Wtf is wrong with this generation?Y did u make my sister cry?"

I had to stifle a laugh.She was one sly bitch. I had no idea she had ever texted him.I wondered when she ever saw me crying.

"Lol..I didn't cry for u and I didn't know about this text."


Is that it?Did I wait past my curfew for this?Fuck you Ryan.

"And I wanted to say..I'm sorry for everything."

That's more like it.I mentally smiled and felt kinda happy he had the good manners to at least apologize.

"It's ok..I was never mad at you."

Lies.But right now I was happy with him.

"So I'll be moving away to Seattle soon and I don't think we can ever meet.This was our last meet. I'm going to start a new life.Make new friends."

"What about your old friends?"

"Everyone is fake.Well so bye."

And before I could wave goodbye he was gone.

Everyone I do right does me wrong.My ex best friend deserves an Oscar.

I stood there for a minute as tears silently rolled down my eyes and then I got up on my cycle and cycled with the greatest speed I had ever travelled in,in the highway.

Tears kept rolling down until suddenly there was a bike in front of me and I was on the ground below my cycle, bleeding.

Tears kept rolling down until suddenly there was a bike in front of me and I was on the ground below my cycle, bleeding

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Ok so this is probably the worst question anyone can ask you.Do you like studying?😂😂😂 Out of the 1 million nos I hope there is at least one yes.If that's you..I guarantee you will be really successful in the future.


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