Chapter 5:Holy cow!I met him

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Best friend.

Pause for a moment and think about it.What does that word even mean? Someone you can trust,someone you talk to all the time,someone who knows all your secrets, blah blah blah.

Be truthful and tell me.The best friend you have had since you were 5 years he/she still your best friend?

Apart from the few exceptional cases you will see that mostly all of you had a friend who you thought would be your friend forever but now might no longer be even in your contacts.

Joe was my best friend. I trusted him,I told him all of my secrets and he was a good listener.But sadly,how long is a person going to be your friend if you are the only one talking and he doesn't say anything to continue the conversation?

Eventually I finished telling him everything about myself and I found it boring to discuss about school and stuff because our interests differed a lot.

He too refrained from discussing football with me because I basically knew nothing and the questions I asked made him wanna slap me hard.

I thought a lot about how depressed I was about my life and how I longed for that ray of hope to live.

My parents weren't exactly the 'cool' type and I was tired of them constantly commenting on my grades and hitting me when I didn't satisfy their hunger (or greed).

I decided to give Joe a chance. He was a good guy and I was sure he wouldn't break my heart. I had never met him but the pictures provided his outlook which was satisfying if not too good.

The first few days were bliss with him telling me all the stuff that boys in love tell their girls.It was a dream come true for me.There was finally a guy who liked me!

I wasn't too sure about my feelings though and like always I made rash decisions.

Even though he insisted on not keeping a relationship but just remaining his friend because he didn't wanna call me his ex,I doubted his feelings for me and told him I wanted a relationship.

That was the first mistake I made.

That was the first mistake I made

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Ryan was soon in my speed dial and we were closer than ever.I had never met him and I so wanted to meet him. My opportunity came when all the boys and girls of our group arranged for a get together.

I was excited to meet my best friend for the first time.He was great in texts and I hoped he would be just as great face to face.

I was met with a surprise.He looked exactly the same as his picture maybe even better. The only problem was his teeth which seemed to be protruding out.He was still cool but awfully shy.

Just like the freak I am I didn't fucking recognise him until my friend pointed him out.

I waved and he waved back hesitantly but didn't get up from his seat to talk to me.I wasn't going to go over to his group of friends and talk to him so I tried to look for some girls to hang out with.

He later came over and told me something random and walked away. I mentally slapped myself for not starting a conversation about Selena or something.

Soon my mom called and it was time for me to leave.We didn't even say bye and just went our own separate paths.
What kind of a best friend was he?

I blamed the nerves and started to text him just as I used to do before,maybe a little bit more.

It was getting harder to stay without talking to him and I even broke my promise of not touching my phone during exams to text him. I had high expectations from him. I wanted him to be the guy best friend every girl dreams of.

Little did I know my dreams would come true (even if it was for a short while).

A/NSooo how r u liking Ryan? What do think of Joe? Do let me know in the comments section

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Sooo how r u liking Ryan? What do think of Joe? Do let me know in the comments section.Keep voting and commenting.Thanks.Xoxo😙

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