Chapter 1: My Universe

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            A young and tall man strutted down the bright and busy streets of Seoul as he had his playlist on shuffle. The attractive man wore a black vest over his white dress shirt, black slacks and classy shoes. His look carried a sense of business and heavy demeanor with every glance he took once he rushed his hair back at the cold midway intersection. His name was Jeon Jungkook; a young astronomer who fell in love with the stars when he was just four. Gazing up every night and hoping to one day discover something new.

           Jeon Jungkook was a very charming man; even at times, he chose to be alone and just stargaze. Hoping to have someone by his side to name at least the constellation with. Showing all of the romantic gestures and happy stargazing he chose to do with the one he called his own, there was sadly never a chance he could spend stargazing with his own girlfriend. Jungkook's girlfriend, one of the brightest stars he ever laid his eyes on. There was no end to the love they held for each other. On the other hand, she wasn't very fond of the skies and only focused on doing romantic things she found pleasing. Never wanting to lay down and wish upon a star with her boyfriend. That was something Jungkook looked for, but they were part of different worlds when it came to interests.

           Just earlier on the year, Jungkook was given an opportunity to work in K.S.C.U- Korea's star constellation unit; where astronomers and astronauts work together to find other galaxies and send prototypes off to get tested before creating the real deal. Now, this was the unit Jungkook always tried to get into, but there was never an opening. It was always taken by someone and Jungkook could only pray for the spot within the unit. Luckily, his wish was granted and a spot was miraculously opened, which came to a surprise to the stargazer, who would give up a job like this? Of course… He never heard from the employee he replaced or even heard anything about him or her. It felt like their existence was erased and no trace was left. Jungkook loved to think that the ex-employee was transferred and no one wanted to mention the man at all.

             The boy took a bus ride to the far facility closed off in a big field. In the building, he had many great friends to support his every decision and stand by him day and night. Of course, there was times where his friends stood closer to him than his own girlfriend. Yet, there wasn't much to expect; the woman alone was beautiful in Jungkook's book, she was smart and many other men chased after her. This was what made Jungkook feel so proud to have her. But, with every beauty, there was flaws since she focused on dancing more and Jungkook was left on hold with calls that used to stretch longer than one hour. After all this time, it dropped from one hour, twenty minutes and down to five minutes on call with his so called beloved.

              Jungkook paid no mind that he didn't really have much to think about when it came to his own girlfriend, Choi Lee-young. What really got to him most, was the lack of attention he wanted from his girlfriend. That was the sad part of it all. If he was to ask, she'd be too busy to tend to it all. Of course, he loved her so much and that love was given in return, he just wished for her to have time for him. Her profession was working as a personal photographer alongside her fashion business she just began to work on earlier on the year. With so much deals, laying down and stargazing was something she wouldn't spend her free time on. Her style consisted more of soft cuddles through romantic films.

              The young astronomer made it to the big facility in the field that housed all of his colleagues. One rocket stood facing skyward with a launch pad next to it kept empty. For the longest, Jungkook has always seen one rocket in the field. Never two, but there was rumors of it lost somewhere out there and some rumors claimed it was taken apart to get an upgrade. One year later, and it was still ‘getting an upgrade.’ Jungkook took a good look at the rocket and smiled as he walked forward and stepped into the facility. All he listened to was classical music to soothe his mind before he was to take on work, in which, he was also teased at by his girlfriend and close friends at work based on his taste of music.--playfully of course.--

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