Chapter 14: Like a shooting star

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           “You… care about him?” Namjoon questioned and held his grin and placed his hand over the stick of the lollipop to pull it out of his mouth after. “You mention him like he's some treasure to you.” Namjoon teased and tilted his head on the boy. “You don't love him, do you?”

           “Ah! You all just love to play this game don't you? I just care about him… That's all there is to it.” Jungkook replied and left Namjoon surprised at how defensive Jungkook suddenly got at the assumption.

         “Alright Mr. Jeon, I get it.” Namjoon chuckled to himself as he then stepped back and thought on what Jungkook said. “I'll talk to Taehyung about it. See you tomorrow.” The man concluded and then turned away to leave the care unit Jungkook stepped out of. The boy stood there on his own and felt guilty for snapping so easily on his older friend. He didn't want to come off rude, but he alone grew tired of others seeing his actions towards Jimin romantic. It made the boy feel as if his love for his own girlfriend didn't really matter to him through the way people teased him about it.

       Later on the night, Jungkook was having dinner with his date at a late diner. The boy still wore his attire of his light, blue, dress shirt and only wore a dark blue coat over it as his dark, silk hair was rolled back and his earrings were still clipped onto the boy's earlobes. Jungkook then took off his coat and rolled the sleeves of his dress shirt over his arms and held up the menu. By there, Jungkook's round eyes glided down the food choices through barbecue and to seafood as well, causing his left brow to bounce up in silence.

      Just in front of him was his date; Lee-Young wore a white, cream and frilled dress that matched with her diamond earrings and black heels too. Her whole look was then sealed with her vibrant red lipstick over her plump lips that complimented her round, gleaming eyes and pale, airbrushed skin. The two were silent as if something ticked the girl off and Jungkook felt as if each time he spoke, silenced followed. He wanted to ask about it, but the girl only nodded her head or shook her head.

           “So… what are you going to get?” Jungkook asked as the girl only shrugged after. “Lee… Come on..”

           “What? I just shrugged. I don't know what I'm getting.” The woman replied and let out a sigh as her eyes were still locked onto the menu before her. “Everything is fine…”

            “Ah… Uh… How was your day today then? please tell me everything and don't leave any of it out.” Jungkook said and made a smile as he then sat up on his chair.

            “Oh I don't know… Pretty boring.. But OH! did I tell you about my boss? Yeah… She's pretty cool. She's very smart, happy and fun to talk to. She can go hours on end talking about her husband and we share stories a lot! We get along so well. Oh, maybe I should make her a scarf or maybe create an outfit and name it after her! But I don't know what color she likes… Maybe red?” The girl asked as Jungkook tilted his head and noticed the girl was using her sarcastic voice.


         “Ah, wait I'm not done! I have so much to talk about! She's so amazing, she's willing to help me out on my own business. So, I think she'll like the color red. Yellow wouldn't be fitting by the way… Ah, and then yesterday I was going to tell you how I got a promotion,  but you know, I couldn't say because it was just too good to share!”

          “What the fuck…” Jungkook said to himself as the girl kept talking until Jungkook set the menu down and grabbed Lee-Young's hands gently. “Okay! I get it! I'm sorry… I'm so sorry I talked over you and only mentioned Jimin… I'm sorry I didn't let you speak and I'm sorry I didn't hear you out.. I was so caught up in the joy that I tossed your feelings aside. Ugh, I felt horrible all day.”

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