Chapter 4: Rocket B248-C12

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           Jungkook sat in his office for a good hour, sculpting a yellow planet referring back to his dreams of the night before. The boy smiled while making it and had on an apron so his outfit wouldn't be ruined with yellow paint once he added color to the little planet.

         “I wonder if you're a nice guy… I wonder if you'll be nice to me and return the smiles I'll give you…” The boy claimed and then let out a sigh. “Since you'll come home from space and have no one else to give you this gratitude, I'll be your friend and have you live here. I'll teach you how to walk.” Jungkook said and lifted a small version of the B248; it was a pale white and for now, Jungkook was going to leave it like that, and then paint it along with the yellow planet. Jungkook didn't have to do this, but he wanted to. All to make the astronaut happy. Even if this took time away from his girlfriend, Jungkook just wasn't aware of that and was blinded by the fascination of Park Jimin.

           After a good while, Jungkook finally put up the yellow planet he carved along with the B248 rocket he made. Gazing at the beautiful yellow paint over the small sphere made of plastic and clear material while the rocket was made out of sculpting clay and the boy made sure to add in details to the small rocket. Based on how he imagined it would look like. Telling by the rocket the unit currently had, he imagined the B248 would have a white and grey exterior like the rocket alongside the empty launchpad. This was called ‘Rocket B400-C3.’ The B400 would be used to rescue Jimin soon.

            Jungkook thought of the astronaut and then, he had an urge to go to work and see how the rescue mission was coming along. Jungkook rushed to the bathroom to wash up and made sure to call his girlfriend. In her mind, she would spend time with her lover all day since he was excused due to him finding Park Jimin in the B248. However, she was wrong as soon as she received Jungkook's call. The girl was sitting in her grey office and fixed papers with drawings of outfits she had to review. Constantly, she glanced at the time and grew anxious to head back to Jungkook. He was finally given time to be with his girl and that's what kept her smile. But it all faded once Jungkook called to break the news up to her.

         “Hello? Yes?” Answered Lee-Young to her boyfriend as Jungkook sounded as if he was running off somewhere. “Jungkook? What are you doing?”

          “Going to work!” The boy answered into the phone as Lee-Young's smile wiped completely off the edge of the earth. “I want to see how they're getting ready for the rescue mission! I also want to ask if I could be Jimin's caretaker too!” Jungkook continued as Lee-Young just couldn't take this away from the love of her life. She knew how excited this made Jungkook, so she allowed Jungkook to go to work.

           “Ah, you annoying little thing!” Lee-Young joked around and giggled after. “Alright… Call me if anything changes. I'll be in the office. Bye.” Lee-Young claimed and hung up after. Leaving Jungkook to gaze at the phone and then shrug after as he kept running off to reach the facility.

             Very soon, Jungkook arrived to the facility and came in breathless while he panted with exaggeration. “A-Ah! I need a fucking c-car…” Jungkook hissed and dropped his hands onto his knees. Today, the boy had his hair rolled back, a pale blue dress shirt and black slacks that matched with his silk black tie around his collar. Jungkook finally found it in him to throw on his lab coat as he then fixed the cuffs when Taehyung suddenly showed up around the corner holding a clipboard. The astronomer wore a red cardigan sweater under his white lab coat, black slacks and light brown classic shoes. He had his hair brushed forward and still wore his silver and round glasses; pushing them back up and meeting eyes with the younger boy.

                “Jungkook? What are you doing here so late?” Questioned his colleague as Jungkook let out a chuckle after.

                “See, I overslept and I had a dream I was in space!” Jungkook said and this made Taehyung's sharp and left brow raise in confusion.

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