Chapter 44: A window seat to the stars

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            Towards the end of the day, Jimin sat on the couch with his legs crossed over the couch while he carried a chocolate popsicle in his hand. The older still wore his black beanie, Jungkook’s white T-shirt, white thigh-length socks, and his usual black briefs right under the loose T-shirt. As he sat in the couch, he had the red blanket wrapped around his own body as Jungkook eventually walked in to join him.

            “The first thing you do when you get home is drop everything, then go off to change your clothes and eat a chocolate popsicle!” Jungkook teased and sat before Jimin to smile at him. “You didn't want to help me with the groceries?”

             “I always put the groceries away, Mr. Jeon!” Jimin stated and let out a giggle. As soon as Jungkook heard this, Jimin quickly threw a pillow over his own head and began to giggle.

            “You must really like calling me, ‘Mr. Jeon’ hm? What is that name to you, anyways?” Jungkook asked as Jimin poked his head out from under the pillow to let out a giggle to himself. “Tell me, what's so significant about it?”

            “I like calling you that, Mr. Jeon… It's my kink~” Jimin giggled as Jungkook shot his left brow up and started to laugh. “What?~”

            “Oh, Jimin! What did I do to you?” Jungkook laughed as Jimin then hid his giggles under his hand while he still held up his chocolate popsicle. By there, Jungkook crawled over Jimin and had him caged under with his hands planting over the older man on the couch. “You're so dirty minded. We did it once then, you want to go off and start begging for a second time and you already have a kink of calling me ‘Mr. Jeon' Ah, what am I going to do with you?”

           “Love me~” Jimin giggled and moved his head up to kiss his lover with glee. As they kissed over the couch, Jungkook smiled into it and let out a soft chuckle once their lips pulled away. “I like doing this more than sitting down and watching films…”

           “Hm? Well do you know what I like the most?” The younger questioned and traced his hands down to cup Jimin's face and give him another kiss. “Can you guess?~” Cooed the stargazer with his deep voice against Jimin's ear.

           “..The stars? Or do you mean love… If you meant love, then it's me!” Answered the older as Jungkook smiled and looked down at the lips of the older and then guided his hand down Jimin's cheek to his neck, his chest and finally… Jungkook grabbed Jimin's chocolate popsicle and got up as soon as he snatched it. “J-Jungkook!”

           “I like chocolate popsicles too.” Jungkook teased his lover to look back and blow a kiss to his Jimin.

           “T-That was mine!”

           “Don't worry, there's more in the box.” Jungkook cooed and continued to eat Jimin's popsicle. Silently watching how Jimin was on his knees over the couch in shock. “Mochi, if it isn't any trouble… Can you tell me now? About your trip? I want to hear about it… I really wondered about so many things while you were up there! If you can, I'd like to hear it first.” Jungkook requested and glanced over at his lover; meeting eyes and letting out the most brightest smile that lit up his own face at the topic. Jungkook just couldn't count the many days he waited to hear from an astronaut like Jimin. Deep down was where his heart portrayed his love for Jimin grew, was also a portrait of Jimin written under his biggest inspirations yet.

          “My trip… Hm, never thought I was going to return to those memories but here I am…” Jimin spoke to himself in silence, dropping down against the couch and eventually, reuniting his gaze with Jungkook once more. “Come cuddle with me and I'll tell you~” Was the only request Jimin made for the younger and as soon as Jungkook was done with the chocolate popsicle he stole from Jimin, he tossed the wooden stick into a waste bag, washed his hands, and lips from the chocolate before he could finally return to Jimin.

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