Chapter 24: The light of a Binary star

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           Both of them stood together in the bathroom; exchanging nothing but silent smiles and soft blushes that tinted their face like the bright star at the center of the solar system. They were shirtless in front of each other and this was the first time Jimin met eyes with Jungkook's body before him. Jimin noted every firm bump of his muscle, his strong and popping veins to his frame, along with the the younger's hair was thrown back; always exposing his forehand to the older.

           Jimin and Jungkook both stood in place until, Jungkook shook the thoughts he had of Jimin, away from his own mind. He had his eyes locked onto Jimin's body and then to his eyes; giving him such a dominant and possessive stare. It was something he never expected from himself, something of a view like this, made Jungkook just want to have the older. As always, he held back, remembering Namjoon’s words like before. Touching Jimin now or kissing him, will confuse the weak man. So, it took everything in Jungkook to then clear his throat.

         “I'll be in the living room. Once you're done here, meet me outside, Jimin.” Jungkook said and with that, the boy stepped aside and walked off. Leaving Jimin to exhale and guide his eyes to follow with the boy’s movements. Jimin felt his own heart beat at that moment once he glided his eyes down Jungkook's muscular figure. Jimin was jealous Lee-Young had so much good things in her life, including Jungkook's love. Jimin thought it wasn't fair that they were at break and Lee-Young only brushed the boy aside after a fight they had between each other.

         “If Mr. Jeon had me, I wouldn't want to hurt him.” Jimin thought and looked up at the mirror to gawk at his own body with just his underwear on, the robe off his elbows, and on the ground. “I would love him with all I have. I would never want to fight with him… I'd talk our issues out, not give it time. Love shouldn't have any breaks and if she knew that, she would have just talked it out with the one she loves. Can't it be that I want Mr. Jeon more than her? I want Jungkook too… Only difference between her and me is that… She's a beautiful girl… I'm just a cute, weak, man to him. There's nothing special in me but my smarts.”

          Jimin let out a sharp sigh and took off his underwear before entering the shower with a different crutch Jungkook placed inside for Jimin. Not really needing Jungkook to help him in the shower at all. After Jimin showered, he walked out of the bathroom with his white bathrobe and used his crutches to make it into his own room. The man was silent and he could hear Jungkook listening to music just outside the room. Again, it was the usual symphony movements to Cello or Piano pieces. Then, reaching indie at the end of the playlist. Listening to the indie songs Jungkook played, threw Jimin back to last night where the moon was at its highest. The romantic song played and Jimin only focused on the stars, unaware that Jungkook was looking at him the whole time. Of course, knowing that Jungkook locked his attention at Jimin the whole night, would only leave Jimin confused. Just the way Namjoon mentioned before.

         The weak man then threw on a light-red, sleeved, shirt, black tights -to workout in- and his white house slides as always. Jimin then stepped out of his own room and the music on the stereo became so clear for him to hear now. It was another romantic indie song and Jimin only stopped for a second to smile as he then moved his crutch forward to see Jungkook.

🎶”Ariel” 🎶
🎵By: ideadead🎵

           Even if Jimin still had issues with walking and was limping everyday, Jungkook still wanted Jimin to try and exercise anyways. Jungkook just never wanted to give up on the older like this and that was the many things Jimin found perfect in the younger.

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