Chapter 60: My love for our Planets afar

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1 Year Later

           It was finally a year later. Months and months of constant training finally paid off and the mission to space was just one month away. Within a year, Jimin learned to breathe without Jungkook clinging onto him every second. It was a tough thing to do, but with time, they were able to go through that boulder in their way. At times, Namjoon was barely around and Jungkook knew why. Namjoon only distanced himself to shake off his feelings for Jimin. Even if it took up to a year, he couldn't doubt the feelings that were once big and now, as small as the stars from a distance.

        Jungkook lost all contact with Namjoon and only stuck with Jimin and his close friend Taehyung. It felt much better to be with the two like always and at times he had a cavity just burning within him each time he'd look at Namjoon right across the unit. After all this time, they've only grew further and further apart now. Of course, other than that, Namjoon tried to kick Jimin out of his own mind and spent more time with his wife throughout the year, but he just couldn't ignore Park Jimin. He could never do that to the one he held so close before. Just because Jungkook and him alone weren't as close as they were before, it just didn't seem right that he would do the same to Jimin himself. Especially since he was going to be the shoulder the young astronaut would cry on once Jungkook was to leave for a few months. Missing out on so much in Jimin's life followed after.

           It was around five forty-one in the early morning as Jungkook woke up and rubbed his eyes from another nightmare he just couldn't control. Recently into the new year, Jungkook received many nightmares of him getting lost or, dying in space. He knew his dreams were nothing but the fear that orbited around in his head and slowly came to him as a nightmare to scare him, but through all of this, Jungkook just never told his lover at all. After five, perfect, loving, and heart-filled months into the new year of their relationship, Jungkook never found a perfect time to tell Jimin how he alone grew nervous about finally meeting with the stars. Surely, Jungkook thought of this as nothing but a phase in his head, but after many rigorous trainings from the past, it carved a deeper cavity into the black hole where Jungkook doubted many things. Even the chances he may come back from space…

             With such negative thoughts holding him awake in the early morning where the moon still shed light through the small cracks of the red curtains; Jungkook sat over the edge of his own bed to roll his hair back and press those hands against the mattress to hold himself up. Jungkook was naked along with Jimin just hiding under the covers from having passionate sex after a free day from training. Jungkook's hair was a mess and as he turned his head to look at Jimin, he smiled to see his lover taking up the whole blanket and only having his small head poke out of the white covers like a child.

           “Just another bad dream…” Jungkook whispered to himself. Of course, after seeing himself suffer through these dreams over and over again, only to wake up like it's nothing; just showed how bad Jungkook wanted to display how strong he was to Jimin. Even though, deep down he was getting eaten alive by the anxiety he developed by the scary thought of getting lost in space. Jungkook stood up and stretched before walking to the bathroom for the morning. It was obvious that now, Jungkook just didn't seem like himself. He was much more different than the little boy who only loved the stars; yet, that just didn't seem like the real him.

          Jungkook was in a relationship with a man now, he never thought how much he'd love someone as Jimin before and making love was something he enjoyed to do with the one he held in his heart. He wasn't innocent and heaven knows for sure, everything in Jungkook changed. Even his love for the stars. Now, he'd look at the stars and wouldn't try to connect them to form a constellation or even get lost trying to count them; No, Jungkook would only look at the stars to remind himself of the big mission he has to take on by the following month. It was such a scary thought he had in his head and once it was in, he couldn't sleep. Even when he was making love with Jimin, that thought slowly made its way in to tease him constantly.

Our Universe | Jikook |Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora