Chapter 25: A solar system made for two

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              “J-Jungkook…Jungkook…” Jimin spoke in his soft whispers. The older began to panic thinking back at how close they were to kissing just then, but Jungkook brushed it off almost instantly. Not really looking back at the moment they almost shared with their lips seconds away from touching. “Jungkook-” Suddenly, Jungkook pulled the door open and there stood Namjoon in the flesh. The older smiled at Jungkook; wearing a black coat wrapped around his tall body, matching black slacks and dark brown classic shoes. The older stood there to smile at Jungkook and within seconds, Jimin tossed himself forward onto the ground.

        “N-No… no… anyone but...h-him!” Jimin huffed desperately and hissed at his own legs that didn't seem to move as well as before. Due to the exercises, his legs were weak as they got used to the feeling of being stretched repeatedly. Jimin quickly crawled around the corner and hid in the kitchen as Namjoon was distracted and kept his gaze onto Jungkook.

         “Hello, Jungkook. I'm here during my break.” Namjoon stated as Jungkook took another glance outside before closing the door behind him. “Taehyung… Didn't want to come here, but I did and I'm here. Where's Jimin?”

         “Oh.. He was right here. Ah, I'll go find him.” Jungkook mentioned as Namjoon dropped onto the couch to glance around Jungkook’s house. Since Taehyung wasn't going to show up, Namjoon wasn't going to ditch Jungkook's suggestion and leave him hanging all day. Taehyung wanted to avoid seeing Jimin, but Namjoon just couldn't. He had so much to say to the one he loved before and the one who was his close friend for many years before.

         As Namjoon was sitting down on the couch patiently, Jungkook found Jimin's hand sticking out from the corner. “Jimin?” Jungkook asked and let out a chuckle once he crouched down to see Jimin sitting against the wall. “What are you doing here…? There's someone here to see you.” Jungkook mentioned and lowered down to glance at Jimin. “Come on, Mochi, he won't bite.”

        “I… I don't want to… see him… I never told you… to bring him.” Jimin whispered and took a glimpse back to see Namjoon just sitting there. “G-Get him out… There are things… that should be left… instead..” Jimin continued to hiss in his whispers, but Jungkook just didn't want to have any of his friends fighting with Jimin and holding things against the weak man.

         “I don't want you to fight with him or Taehyung any more… It makes me feel upset that it troubles you.”

           “No… No it doesn't…”

           “Yes it does. Please do this for me, Jimin… I don't want you to hold this in forever. Taehyung isn't here, just Namjoon. All it takes is just to talk to him, that's all.” Jungkook promised as Namjoon heard their whispers and just knew that Jimin didn't want to see him at all. This was just something Jungkook planned alone, without even telling Jimin anything about it. Knowing well that the frail man would never agree to it. “This could hurt you… It may not hurt you now, but it will hurt you later, Jimin. Do this for me if you don't have it in you to do it for yourself.” Jungkook concluded and then held his hands out to Jimin. It finally took Jimin a while to get himself to move his hands up to Jungkook’s, even if he was afraid of confronting Namjoon after so long, Jungkook was the one that motivated Jimin to move when he couldn't.

         The two then walked out of the kitchen together as Jimin nervously sat far from Namjoon afterwards. “There, I'll leave you both to talk privately.” Assured the young boy before glancing at Jimin once more and leaving the two alone in the living room. Almost instantly, Jimin grew nervous and focused on the cold ground before him. Every second grew still; Jungkook left the room and went into his own as Namjoon shifted his gaze onto the weak, young, man sitting far from him.

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