Chapter 43: My Theory

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             “Are you out of your mind? My son can't go back, he's still recovering, Chief Wu!” Replied Mr. Park as he shook his head almost instantly. “I won't let you send my son out there…”

            “Still recovering? Maybe until after…” Chief Wu continued and walked down the staircase. “I'm not trying to hurt him, Mr. Park… He knew what he signed up for and this is his job. Besides, I want him to go only because he was in that rocket for an earth year and only he tampered with the rocket for so long.”

             “Send someone else! Figure it out yourselves, I'm not letting him go back up there!” Mr. Park bickered and folded his arms. Leaving some more astronomers to stand there and look at the elder. “He's broken and putting him back together will only crack him into smaller fractals.”

             “We have plenty of time. Still have a good two years or such. If we can get him there by the end of this year, he'll be coming back by the middle of next year. It's only business, Mr. Park.”

               “He'll go through hell all over again! Do you know how hard it was for him to finally grow used to things? He was so pale… So weak and tired…” Argued the elder, but the Chief only relied on business. Of course, he cared about Jimin and his well being, but with that rocket out in space that could become a hazard, he could only urge for a plan and hope for the best. After all, Jimin was the only one tampering with the rocket before.

                “I know that… But what else can we do? Please give him all the help he needs. We'll try by the end of this year. I hate to do this to him… But he's an astronaut, what more would he be? He knew the risks and still took it.” Chief Wu concluded as Mr. Park grew nervous at the thought of it. He didn't want to send Jimin out there so he could come back as frail as ever. Even at that moment, Mr. Park just didn't want Jimin as an astronaut so the man could get healed and then wreck his health once again.

                “W-What if he quits?”

                 “Oh he can't. This was him tampering with the B248, he has to. I'm sure you can find a way eventually.” The Chief replied and walked away from the elder and left astronomers to desperately find a way so Jimin wouldn't have to go off to space and risk his own life. At that moment, Taehyung glanced over at Namjoon and had a worried look over his face.

                “What is the most likely percentage of Jimin passing out in space?” Taehyung questioned as Namjoon placed his arm around Taehyung to pat the younger softly. “Please tell me…”

                  “I'd say a good ninety-five percent.” Namjoon whispered in response and made Taehyung stand there with worry shooting through his blood. “We need to find different ways. We can't lose him again!” The older astronomer assured and made Taehyung's face light up with the idea. “Many other astronomers will find a way, Jimin shouldn't be sent up there. We need a healthy astronaut…”

                For the remainder of that hour, astronomers gathered around in groups to take apart footages of Jimin's actions in the B248 to catch his gestures on which wire he tried to fix. However, they hit a brick wall when they tried to understand what Jimin did when the footage cut on before he was discovered. They came up with theories and used blueprints of the duplicated rocket of the Rocket B248-C12 and it was the rocket they had just outside on the launch pad. It was the blueprints of the Rocket B400-C3; an exact replica of the B248. The two rockets were manufactured, programmed and fixed the same, but at times, the B248 had one more flaw than the B400. That's when astronomers tried to guess Jimin's actions; knowing well that they couldn't interrupt Dr. Park while he still recovering. Any questions about the rocket at this moment would just stress Jimin out!

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