Chapter 9: The constellation

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            When the stars still aligned, Jungkook felt as if he grew silent. His gaze was lost in Jimin's universe and he had to force himself to pull out of that endless trance after. “Jimin… Oh.. Um I mean, Dr. Park… I'm sorry.” Jungkook apologized and broke the eye contact as Jimin's face was red after the eye contact was broken. The younger boy then set Jimin onto the hospital bed and gazed at him once more. “I was going to check up on you before going home…”

            “Thank you…” Jimin whispered in return and sat down on the bed. “You… Didn't have to come for me… I wanted to learn on my own..” Jimin spoke quietly and looked over at the young boy once again. “But I knew… I wasn't going to get anywhere…”

            “I'm sorry for bothering you while you tried to walk.. I just..I saw you cry and then I had to help. If I'm going to be your caretaker, you can't blame me for trying to help you…” Jungkook replied in his soft whisper and looked down at the man sitting on the plain bed. “It's not safe for you to try alone. Do you… Want to try walking with me here? Or do you want to wait for the crutches tomorrow?” Jungkook asked as Jimin looked down and with that, Jungkook held out his hand as the older man hesitated.

           “If I… Try now, I promise I won't tell my father. You're my caretaker, so you know what's best for me..” Jimin spoke in his silent whisper as Jungkook tilted his head and still held the hand out for Jimin.

           “I'm only doing what you want to do. You want to try walking so I'm offering my help to you.” Jungkook assured and by there Jimin's small hand rose over Jungkook's big hand. As they locked it together, Jimin felt the perfect fit of their hands in contact and took a moment to look at the physical contact they shared. Next, Jungkook gently pulled the man up on his feet once again and kept a gentle grip onto Jimin before he wrapped his other arm around Jimin's waist to pull him by his side. “Is this.. Okay with you?” Jungkook asked in the most delicate tone to his deep voice for Jimin.

           “Yes… I'll tell you when we can stop.” Jimin assured and by there, Jungkook suddenly placed Jimin in front of him and made him stand over his shoes. “W-What are you d-doing…?”

             “I'm helping you walk.” Jungkook whispered to the man's ear and started to walk; moving his one foot over the other slowly and Jimin was then motioned to walk in front of the boy. Jungkook's hands wrapped around Jimin's waist and his head hung over the older's shoulder to watch where they were going. Jungkook walked and motioned Jimin's legs to move with his and smiled as he helped the man.

             “Why… Did you choose to take care of me? You did realize… You won't be here at the facility.. Right?” Jimin asked and dropped his hands to hold against Jungkook's arms wrapped around his petite body. “You don't have to do this… You look like… A man that has too much on his plate…”

             “I don't mind. I look up to you, Dr. Park; You're such an inspiration.” Jungkook told the man, but Jimin didn't feel any of those words at all. His mind was set on quitting as soon as possible; just so he wouldn't have to deal with gazing up at the stars once more. He was afraid of it now and thinking of space brought him back to those scary hours wasted in the B248.

            “I'm glad I'm such an inspiration…” Jimin whispered to Jungkook and the boy kept walking with Jimin standing over his shoes to sync their movements together. “But… I'm.. Not going to be an astronaut… Anymore…” Jimin assured and took breaks in between to catch his breath since he was getting used to the oxygen on earth than the limited oxygen that was in his spacesuit when he was just in the B248.

            “Quit…” Jungkook whispered and then came to a stop and looked at the man. He was surprisingly light and his body was soft and frail, gentle and had a small frame against his own taller and stronger body. “I don't want you to quit… But if you think it's right, go for it… I'm not going to tell you what's right or what's wrong. It's your decision.”

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