Chapter 7: Welcome to Earth

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         It's was finally six weeks after the launch. Jungkook has always stopped by the screen to watch Jimin sleep or even eat time to time. It was such a heartbreaking scenery for him and it shattered his heart at times. However, this gave him every reason to look up to his arrival.

        Along the fourth weeks after the launch, all the astronomers gathered to watch one of the astronauts rescue Jimin and together, they abandoned the B248 since it was nothing but a vessel now that served as a house for Jimin after a year. Once everyone watched Jimin leave the B248 after an earth year, everyone cheered once again and Jungkook almost teared up to himself. A reason why he felt so connected to the astronaut was because the young astronomer put himself in Dr. Park's shoes and related to how painful it must've been to stay strong for such a long time.

          Everyday for the following two weeks after the rescue was complete, Jimin was seated and was silent the whole ride back. Jungkook would hear Mr. Park trying to communicate with his son, but he was silent and whispers only came out of his mouth. His condition was horrible. He was pale, weak and silent. Just the space food alone didn't give the abundant of nutrients he needed every single day. This was where Jungkook would be given Jimin after a week of his arrival so he could learn to speak louder like before, learn to walk and maintain a normal appetite instead of eating small portions of space food when he spent hours in space until the rescue was made. The only thing that was lost in space now was the Rocket B248-C12.

          It was the day Jimin would return and Jungkook sprung up from the bed to rub his eyes and fix his hair. He wore his black pajama bottoms to sleep that hugged his body loosely while tented over his torso was a white T-shirt. Just last night, his girlfriend stayed over and together, they watched movies, played video games and talked for hours on end! This was a perfect date to her and even if they couldn't stargaze, Jungkook took anything he could get. However, the two didn't sleep in the same room. Lee-Young slept in Jungkook's room and Jungkook of course, slept in the room he had set for Jimin. Sleeping on Jimin's bed and having a full rest on his own. Even after two years of dating, Lee-Young insisted to keep distance while sleeping in the same house because she saved herself until marriage and Jungkook accepted that.

         Jungkook stretched early in the morning; it was 6:50 AM to be exact, and he knew today was the day Jimin was coming back. He counted the days and weeks after he looked up at the screen and watched Jimin smile happily once he was rescued. But his voice was cut down into a silent whisper. Jungkook quickly made the bed and gazed down at it to smile and think that a week from now, Jimin would be allowed to live with him and after he brings the man's health up, he'll get to ask him questions about his experience in space. Just thinking about it, made Jungkook grow excited to see Jimin now.

          Just as the boy was close to leaving the room, Lee-Young stepped into the room wearing a loose pink pajama bottoms and one of Jungkook's white T-shirts. Her eyes were still closed and her hair was pulled up into a ponytail as she then opened her puffy eyes to look at Jungkook. “Oh you're awake.” The woman said followed by a yawn. “I'll get going… I have so much work at the office today. But I'm going to sleep at my place so you can get to work.” Lee-Young insisted as Jungkook was fixing the bed up happily. “You seem happy…”

          “I am! Today is a big day. Dr. Park Jimin will be coming home today and next week, he'll be here in my house. Until then, I'll be able to see him at the facility.” Jungkook said and this made the girl blink her eyes and make a smile.

          “You're very excited to meet this astronaut. Hey, when he can, tell him if he could write me an autograph.” The girl stated and walked up to Jungkook to give him a kiss on the cheek. “I'll be on my way after I change out of this.” Lee-Young claimed and noticed how it seemed as if her own boyfriend wasn't listening. His mind was up in the stars and he just didn't listen to a word his girl was saying. As much as he loved her and her true colors, he slowly became color blind to it all…

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